- 3 MORE WISDOM FROM CHIEF DAN GEORGE (in his book "My Heart Soars." 1974) 77?e young and the old are closest to life. They love every minute dearly. If the legends fall silent, who will teach the children of our ways? If the very old will remember. The very young will listen. When a man sits down in quietness to listen to the teachings of his spirit, many things will come to him in knowledge and understanding. We have been so much luckier because we never needed to communicate in any other way than by thought or word. This alone will no longer be possible. We have diminished in numbers and paid for our past with sorrow and pain, of which no generation of native people is without its share. We have suffered much, now we stand to lose all unless we preserve whatever is left from the days of our ancestors. To do this, the spoken word is not enough. When a thought forms it needs much time to grow. Silence between spoken words has always been the sign of deliberation. In these new times of a modern world where everything has become of value, silence has become time. Time unused has become time wasted. We are told "Time is Money." It is harder to find somebody who will listen, but everybody reads. Therefore we must write about our ways, our beliefs, our customs, our morals, how we look at things and why, how we lived, and how we live now. To do this, we need the old and the young. Soon there will be many books that will tell of our ways and perhaps wiil shame even those who think us inferior only because we are different. To those who believe in the power of the written word these books will proclaim our cultural worth. It has been done so for other races and their teachings. This is how our young people will bring to you the true image of our native people and destroy the distortion of which we have been the victims for so long. Then we will prosper in all things. From our children will come those braves, who will carry the torches to the places where our ancestors rest. There we will bow our heads and chant the song of their honor. This is how the void will be filled between the old and the new ways. There is a longing in the heart of my people to reach out and grasp that which is needed for our survival. There is a longing among the young of my nation to secure for themselves and their people the skills that will provide them with a sense of worth and purpose. They will be our new warriors. Their training will be much longer and more demanding than it was in olden days. The long years of study will demand more determination; separation from home and family will demand endurance. But they wiil emerge with their hand held forward, not to receive welfare, but to grasp the place in society that isrightlyours. I am a Chief, but my power to make war is gone, and the only weapon left to me is speech. It is only with tongue and speech that I can fight my people's war. Look at the faces of my people; you will find expressions of love and despair, hope and joy, sadness and desire, and all the human feelings that live in the hearts of people of all colours. Yet, the heart never knows the colour of the skin. .../4