NEWSLETTER No. 96 January 1996 Dear Friend of the Library, NEXT MEETING Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 24th, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Elizabeth Musto Room (the old Seminar Room). RECEPTION You are invited to our annual reception on Monday, February 19th, 1996, which will be held in the Peter J . Peters Meeting Room, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (please note the slight change in time). We look forward to seeing you then. MEMBERSHIP Renewal forms for January-anniversary members were sent out with the December Newsletter. About 25 had been returned when I checked recently. Please renew your membership if you haven't already done so. Thanks. February-anniversary members, if any, will receive renewal forms this month. ARTIST'S RECEPTION The next reception will be on January 29th, 1996 from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. with artists Patricia Earley and Diana Kemble in attendance. Their exhibitions "People & Places" and "Geographies" respectively will continue to March 3rd, 1996. ANNE LOSES A GOOD FRIEND. Part 2 from "The Diary of a Farmer's Wife 1796 -1797" June Ye 30 - Newes comes that my ladie Susan be venie ill with divers doctors to and fro. Carters wiffe do tell me all the visitors be gone, and my lord do set in her room all daye. I be verrie sorrie to hear all this, as is John, who do say to send Sarah to ask how she be, which I do. I do pray she may get better, for she be a dere ladie. Later we hear there be no better news of my ladie, she bein venie ill and the fever worse; and I do fear for her much. July Ye 2 - Todaye I to the big house to ask how is my ladie, did see my lord; who did look verrie sad and tired, he not bedding this three nights. He did say my dere ladie no better and like to die; at which he did weepe, and I did feel likewise. Poor fellow, he do love her much, in spite of his ruff wayes. I did say I would pray for her recovery, and he holding my hand did say, yes pray hard, she be fond of you; which did nearly make me brake down. So I away home, sad indeed, for we have been trends all our lifes, and did play together as childer; albeit she a grate ladie, bless her sweet fase. .../2