FRIENDS OF THE WEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD MAY 25, 1994 IN THE PETER J. PETERS MEETING ROOM Present: Betty Neilson [Chair], Barbara Moyle, Betty Stephen, John Hunter, Esmail Azarm, Anna Raglin, Ellen Hayward, Betsy Lee, Alan Maxwell [Board representative] Regrets: Wanda Osborne, Betty O'Sullivan, Betty Kerr, Audrey Hardman, Eileen de Bues, Natalie Logan, Tony Scammell, Wayne Leigh-Spencer, Jack Mounce [Chief Librarian], Irene Caudwell, Marguerite Cassetta 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Minutes of April 27, 1994 Moved by John Hunter, Seconded by Alan Maxwell To adopt the minutes as circulated. CARRIED 3. Business Arising a) Booksale John Hunter reported that book sorting is progressing well but a few more sorters are needed. Any Friends available to help may contact John at 922-8780. John has been in touch with Youth Employment re. hiring 4 young men to deal with the heavy work of moving boxes during setting up on the 24th and moving boxes of leftover books to the pick-up area on the 26th. They would also be able to fold and stack the tables. Tony Scammell, prior to leaving for the U.K., finalized arrangements for the display of booksale signs in the Blue Buses, ice arena and Library. Beverly Oswald has agreed to take on P.R. for newspapers and radio. The banner has been refurbished and dates changed, at a cost of $37.06. Betty Stephen reported that schools will include booksale information in their newsletters. Pat Scrivener will draw up a schedule of members to staff the sale, including a volunteer to man a membership table. John Hunter suggested we approach a non-profit group, possibly the Girl Guides, to organize the sale of coffee. 4. Chief Librarian's Report (See attached)