"MUSIC IN THE MORNING" (MUSIC AT THE LIBRARY) The West Vancouver Memorial Library will be presenting a musical program, featuring Beethoven, on the Wednesday mornings of April 14th, May 12th and June 16th. One-hour musical conversations ... talks and live music ... will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the new meeting room and will be preceded by refreshments at 10:00 a.m. The program is co-sponsored by the Music in the Morning Concert Society and the first session will feature June Goldsmith, the Artistic Director. Tickets will be available at the library. The cost for the series is $39 and $33 for seniors (GST included). $14 single tickets will be available at the door, if seating is available. For further information, call Marilyn Ross at 921-7921. ART EXHIBITS The art exhibits in the library have been suspended for a period, pending completion of the construction work and freeing up the necessary space. Peggy Smith of the Friends has agreed to assist Carol Kostiuk, the Board member responsible for co-ordinating art exhibits, who will be working with the North Shore arts community to co-ordinate library exhibits with those at the Ferry Building and the Silk Purse. DID YOU KNOW? IN 1992 .... 1. During the construction of the library addition, this has necessitated and continues to require, considerable shifting of collections, furnishings and whole departments. Despite the upheaval, circulation of materials for 1992 was down by only 0.6% from the previous year's record. Last year 844,000 items were borrowed from our library and more than 100,000 information requests were fielded. This is surely a great credit to the library staff, to achieve this under unusually stressful conditions and to keep smiling as they do! The patrons have been patient too, but it takes more than the noise, dust and overcrowding caused by the construction, plus reduced parking, loss of the Youth Services activity room and uneven temperatures to discourage the users of the library! 2. There was an important computer upgrade and, as we are happily and proudly aware, the 15-year-old Bookmobile was replaced with a larger vehicle in October. (Thanks again to all who contributed their efforts to making the Bookmobile happen).