are most often found "in the thick of it" have been described by our Chief Librarian as "a very hard working but invariably jolly group from within the Friends' membership". The secret is that we enjoy working together. It has been more of the same this year, plus some new things which we welcome as growing experience and usefulness. Total membership stands at 113 paid up members, slightly down from 130 in 1989, but we continue to be helped by other friends of the library, including the stalwart young members of the West Vancouver "Pathfinder" Squadron Air Cadets, who work willingly and energetically in helping to move boxes of books for us prior to our book sales twice a year. This year's spring and fall book sales raised a total sum of $3,270 ($3,577 in 1989) and our bank balance on November 28th was just over $24,400 of which $21,000 has been pledged to the Special Edition Fund Raising Campaign for library expansion: this sum was matched by the Municipality so we can feel the glow of $42,000 which originated from our book sales. We have continued to host the monthly receptions for the Art Displays in the Gallery, also the Open House on Remembrance Day following the Cenotaph ceremony. This year we were also responsible for the refreshments on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Library, celebrated on November 10th. We again assisted by handing out information about library services at the Seniors in Action Display in the Park Royal North Mall. A small group also assisted with the Library's Book Display at the Ferry Building on Canada Day. Two new, special and time-consuming tasks were performed by a dozen members - firstly, over 700 "Adopt-A-Book" book-plates (part of the Special Edition Campaign) were recorded with the donors' names and glued into the appropriate books, involving a total of about 170 hours work; secondly a large number of paperback books have been labelled on the spines to enable books to be stacked on the racks in alphabetical order for easier selection by patrons. We have also made a small contribution to what one might call "Friends of the Library Evangelism" - accompanying Jack Mounce to Maple Ridge Library one evening to advise some of their members on how to set up a successful Friends group. (More recently Jack went also to Mission for the same purpose. ("A sower went forth to sow ") All things considered, it has been another good year and all concerned deserve a sincere pat on the back for jobs well done. NEXT MEETING Please note there will not be a meeting this month (December) but we will be holding our Annual General Meeting on January 23, 1991. We will remind you again in the New Year. Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy and Successful New Year to you all. Tony Scammell Your Yuletide Newsletter Writer