The Book Sale will commence on Sunday, October 1st (the first Sunday of winter opening) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., continuing Monday and Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Don't forget that Friends of the Library are entitled to browse amongst the sale books on the Saturday evening (September 30th) between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. 3. Executive Meeting on August 31st To highlight five matters as follows: (i) Gift Shop - minimum conditions for eventual re-opening - at some unspecified future date. (ii) October book sale. (iii) Cancellation of September meeting. (iv) Fund raising - "Casino Nights". (v) The new position of Manager - Volunteer Services. Casino Nights We are looking into the possibility of taking advantage of this popular and productive type of fund-raising. The first stage is making application to the Provincial Government for the necessary licence, which is expected to take six months or more to be processed. More information at the October 25th meeting. Library Volunteer Programme The new Manager, Volunteer Services, is Alice Bacon, who also happens to be a member of the Friends, so she already knows what we "get up to". A Library Committee has been set up by Jack Mounce for this programme, including staff members and a representative from the Friends, who is Pat Scrivener. I attended their meeting on September 8th. Alice Bacon will attend our next members' meeting on October 25th to talk to us about the opportunities offered by the volunteer programme, but in the meantime she would welcome a call from you as soon as possible if you would like to learn more about it right away. She can be contacted through Jack's office (926-1380). She is anxious to hear from anyone (not necessarily members of the Friends but from anyone) who would like to perform a number of varied and interesting tasks both inside and outside the Library, so that training can be arranged and likely numbers of volunteers and how much time they could give per week can be established. Volunteer work will be needed both during the day and evenings and even at weekends. I feel sure there must be Friends of the Library and any others they may know who would like to hear more about this new programme - if so pass the word and give 926-1380 a call A.S.A.P.! October Art Exhibit Seascapes by Bill Hawkes. A reception will be held on Thursday, October 5th, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. See you on October 25th for sure! Tony Scammell President