FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY WEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY Wednesday, May 24, 1989, 7 p.m. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE MEETING Present: Tony Scammell [Chairman], Barbara Payne, Betty O'Sullivan, Marie McWhirter, Betsy Lee, Charles Corbet, Anne Fletcher, Pat Scrivener Regrets: Jack Mounce [attending a concurrent Library Board meeting] 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. Minutes of Previous Meetings a) March 22, 1989 It was moved by Betsy Lee, seconded by Betty O'Sullivan To adopt the minutes as circulated. CARRIED. b) April 26, 1989 Formal minutes were not taken, but a summary was included in Newsletter No. 25 for May 1989. It was not a regular business meeting, but took the form of an open discussion of outline plans for a programme for membership meetings. Also discussed were arrangements for the coming book sale, including a meeting on May 1st to arrange book sorting teams, publicity and signage. 3. Business arising from the minutes None. 4. Book Sale - May 27 Barbara Payne reported that six air cadets from 525 Squadron would move books for sale from the basement to the main floor (or outside if weather permits) at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, and the Friends would commence setting up at 8:00 a.m. Three two-hour shifts between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. were arranged, including a team to count, price and bag each customer's books before payment at the checkout counter. 5. Recognition of Air Cadets' Assistance At the November 30, 1988, meeting it had been suggested by Bob Tod that a community service trophy should be awarded annually by the Friends to the most deserving cadets assisting with preparations for our book sales. A number of suggestions were to have been considered at a later meeting, but the matter was not finalized as originally intended. Barbara Payne reported that she had recently discussed with Mrs. Kathy Samuda (Chairman of the Sponsoring Committee for the Squadron) the details of an appropriate trophy (to be awarded each year) also smaller individual trophies for the winners to keep. Costs were likely to be in the region of $55.00 for the larger, perpetual trophy and $10.00 for each individual trophy.