NEWSLETTER No. 25 May 1989 Dear Friend of the Library: Programme Last month I made some very broad suggestions about possible ideas for programmes for general membership interest at future meetings. What prompted this was a feeling that our activities are somewhat limited in terms of member-participation, and that you might welcome some sort of programme of general interest intended to be both enlightening and entertaining. The response to my suggestions was very small. Eight Friends were good enough to give the matter some thought and to indicate their interests on the tear-off slip, which they then kindly deposited in the suggestion box provided. Only one was signed, so I can only thank these Friends anonymously but sincerely for their kind help. The signed one included a helpful suggestion of a speaker, an architect whose father designed the original library, who I'm sure would have been very interesting to hear. Thank you Kathy MacKinnon. Of the subjects originally listed the "winners" were Biography and History, closely followed by Travel, Gardens, Architecture, Life in Other Lands and Art. Other subjects suggested included Cooking, Poetry, Fiction and Science Fiction/Fantasy and, in two cases, Research for Writing a Family History (collection of vital statistics, births, deaths, residences and so on from old directories and various sources of information). My thanks to all who responded in such a positive and helpful way. Meeting on April 26 This was primarily for the purpose of looking at the "programme" survey. We had a very useful discussion and I have to tell you that those present came to the conclusion that we should probably not pursue the idea at this time. Lack of response probably means that most members are already well occupied with other activities and interests, and don't feel they need something like this at present. Another important factor is restricted space in the Library (until expansion is achieved) for a sizeable group to meet, and this would limit numbers able to attend which would defeat the "object of the exercise". We also need to carry out a more personal canvas of all our members, also explore the important questions of obtaining good speakers and whether most would involve some degree of financial expense.