We are making progress, albeit slowly, but the indications so far are promising. We realise that this is a difficult time of year to launch this kind of enterprise because of the seasonal trends in people's activities, but we are gaining valuable experience which will stand us in good stead in the future. (Dare I say it? -Christmas is coming!) The volunteers involved in organising and staffing the gift shop (our co-ordinator Wayne Leigh-Spencer and her dedicated helpers) have done an excellent job, and the display (limited by the general space problems in the Library) is very attractive and well worth a visit if you have not already seen it. Please feel free to browse any time - we are at present open only on Friday afternoons and all day on Saturdays, but the display case is always there! Please go and have a look if you haven't already done so - better still, come and buy something - you will be helping the Library. But even if you don't wish to buy at present - TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND SPREAD THE WORD!! Thanks, Tony Scammell ********** Our sources tell us that the July 4th opening of Shauna Miller's exhibit of art was a great success, both in terms of turnout and in the fact that Shauna sold three paintings during the evening. It might be appropriate at this point to insert a short quote which comes from the July Library News: "Students form an important, sometimes demanding segment of our clientele. Recently they let us know that the reception hosted by the Friends of the Library on the first evening of the month to launch each new art exhibit causes them problems when it occurs during exams. We'll bear this in mind and skip the reception next June." ********** Our August artist is Alan Reynolds: watercolour paintings with the theme of "China". As usual, the paintings will be for sale. Reception: August 2nd, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. ********** Our President informed us that he banked about $490 in notes and $10 in coin after the booksale for a total of nearly $500. The 'float' was $50 so the booksale netted about $450, which represented a sale of nearly 1,800 paperbacks. This certainly says something to us about the efficiency and zeal of Friend Shirley Smirke and her helpers. WELL DONE!! ********** There will not be an August meeting - and I expect the "Newsletter" will be a brief note informing Friends of the date of the September meeting and, if possible, giving details of the October Art Exhibit. ********** Do come to our meeting on July 27th, 7 p.m. in the Seminar Room, and in any case, have a nice summer. Your editor will be headed up the Inside Passage to Prince Rupert via B.C. Ferries, enjoying the scenery while there is still some to enjoy ... Bon voyage Charles B. Corbet Editor