NEWSLETTER No. 14 May 1988 Dear Friend of the Library: Due in part to your Editor's recalcitrance (for which read 'laziness') and, in small part, to his awaiting the Grand Opening of the long-looked-for Gift Shop, this Newsletter may not get to you in time for this month's meeting on Wednesday, May 25th, at 7 p.m. I am very sorry, and I promise to do better in future. Last Month's Meeting - (highlights): Tony introduced two new members, Elizabeth Leigh-Spencer and Lillian Pangman. Elizabeth, also known as Wayne, is to be our Gift Shop Co-ordinator, she has much experience in this field, having directed, or should one say 'conducted' the Gift Shop of the V.S.O. for some time. The large print book which Heather Ireland acquired for us to present to the Library in memory of Shiela Rees-Thomas is now in circulation. It is "Japanese Gardens of the Modern Era", a collection of colour photographs, and it is a joy to behold. West Vancouver Community Day: I would like to draw your attention to the item in the Minutes of April's meeting under the heading 'Chief Librarian's Report' to the effect that the Library intends to show the architects' proposed model, with accompanying pamphlets, etc. at the West Vancouver Recreation Centre on June 4th. Volunteers from among the ranks to answer questions etc. would be more than welcome - please contact Tony Scammell (926-1820) before the day. It would also provide you with an opportunity to see the arts and handicrafts of your fellow citizens. Persian Language Books: The Library has received the first installment of a collection of 500 Iranian books. The gift was arranged by Esmail Azarm, a Friend indeed1 And now ... news of the Grand Opening of the Gift Shop; On Saturday, May 14th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Gift Shop was open for the first time, with Wayne Leigh-Spencer (as co-ordinator) and another half dozen or so Friends in attendance. Business was quiet, but several small items were sold, and orders taken for several sweaters. (Perhaps when people get used to our display cabinet, business will pick up.) Besides the sweaters, golf shirts and T-shirts which we have already mentioned in previous Newsletters, there are: