HOW BUSY IS OUR LIBRARY? The following facts speak for themselves (as at the end of 1985): - Fifty-four percent of West Vancouver residents are frequent or very frequent users of the Memorial Library, while only 11.7% never take advantage of its resources and services. - An estimated 25,000 library cards are in active use. - All 90 study places and easy chairs are frequently in use. - All the 50 parking spaces in the vicinity are frequently occupied. - There are on average about 1,000 patron visits per day. - An average of 222 loans are made every hour that the Library is open, and a reference question is answered every two minutes on average. - More than 7,000 individual attendances are made each year at scheduled library programs, plus a variety of on-going discussion „ groups, training sessions and meetings. - More than 1,000 hours of volunteer support are contributed each year for library services and events (the Friends of the Library are IN MOTION and we hope to see a good (record ?) number of hours in 1987! ). COST AND VALUE Although the Memorial Library had the second highest per capita Municipal contribution among GVLF libraries in 1984, the cost per transaction (loan or reference) was the lowest in the region. This confirms that West Vancouver residents have been receiving a high-quality service at a very reasonable cost. SO WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? In spite of all the past and present good management and exemplary efforts by all concerned, and despite the comparatively high level of support from the Municipality, the maintenance of a first-class library service capable of meeting the exceptional demands placed upon it by our citizens has become increasingly difficult for the Library Board, for reasons which are summarized by a library consulting company's recent findings: 1. The library is seriously overcrowded. 2. Service is beginning to suffer. 3. Shelves are 90% full (optimum level is 70%). 4. Seating is insufficient. 5. Staff working conditions are poor. 6. There is not enough parking. HOW DO WE INTEND TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM? Limited space prevents us from telling you more in this month's Newsletter; however we will look at the consultants' report and recommendations next month, and give you some idea of the important contribution - in time and effort - that the Friends of the Library hope to make towards what has been so aptly called "The Restoration of Excellence" in our own West Vancouver Memorial Library during the next few years. . As Seneca (4 B.C. - A.D. 65) said: "Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands." May we remind you that our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday. March 11, 1987, at 7 p.m. in the Library's Seminar Room. We look forward to seeing you there. Tony Scammell, Newsletter Editor