_______________________ NEXT MONTH ARTIST OF THE MONTH: C: KEN WESTMAN -- mountain and ski scenes. A DISPLAY OF BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING GIFT WRAPPING INSTRUCTION * * * I1JIJ `i' CHILDREN'S CORNER TODDLERS' STORYTIME Thursdays 10:00 a.m. Starting Thursday, November 12th., and continuing for eight weeks. For two year--olds accompanied by an adult. Registration necessary. Please call the Children's Department, 926--3291. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY PREPARE FOR ANOTHER YEAR If you've used the library over time and enjoy its services and collections, why not show your support by becoming an active member of the Friends of the Library group? At the fall annual meeting Mrs. Madeline Williams was elected chairman. The execu tive for the new year includes Mrs. Shirley Smirke, vice president, Mrs. Myra Morgan, secretary, and Mrs. Barbara Bodel, treas `rer. The Friends of the Library exists to offer support for and promotion of good library service. As volunteers the group currently offers the home-bound service, regular maintenance of the library's greenery, the book sales, the solicitation of gifts to support the book collection, and general Open duties at the annual November 11th House. To become involved or simply show your support, annual membership forms can be obtained in the library. PRE--SCHOOL STORYTIME For 3 to 5 year--olds. 3:00 p.m. Wednesdays 2:15 11:15 a.m. Fridays 10:30 -- -- Drop in for an informal session of stories, songs, games and film strips. No registration necessary. PRE--SCHOOL FRENCH STORYTIME 11:30 a.m. The eight week session Thursdays 11:00 commences Thursday, November 12th. Please register in the Children's Department, 926--3291. -- AUTHOR'S VISIT JEAN LITTLE, author of many children's books, will be in the Children's Department on Monday, November 9th., 3:00 p.m. to talk about her writings and from 2:00 -- her sight handicap. WEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1)8 - (604) 926-3291 K&A