______________________________ CHILDREN'S CORNER C -- TODDLER'S STORYTIME 00-10 30 a m 0 Cl) Wednesdays 2:15 B -- 3:00, Thursdays 10:30 -- 11:15 m FRENCH STORYTIME 3 to 5 year-aids P 1 1 1 This eight week session, which commenced in September, through October. Register NEW PERMANENT NOW CREATIVE WRITING FOR KIDS I I C . A chance to discover and play with words, feelings, sights, sounds and senses. Saturdays from October 10th. to November 14th. Registration call 926--3291. -- IF YOU HAVE NOT YET REGISTERED FOR YOUR C - SCIENCE . IN THE LIBRARY . . . I I I C > - Capilano College is offering several programmes in the Library on Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Astronomy. For children 9 13 years. For registration, call Capilano College, Community Education. 986--1911. Tuesdays, 3:30 5 p.m. -- -- LIBRARY CARD DO SO NOW, · , REtISTRATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE CIRCULATION DESK, I OF INTEREST TO ADULTS `Books For The Middle Reader' -- A discussion of what's Registration -- Children s Dept. 926--3291 Get ot'rs 11 Tocicij/ . WEST VANCOUVER 1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B C o SPECIAL HALLOWE'EN PROGRAM `Things That Go Bump In The Night' Friday, October 30th. 1O3O 113O 6 years and over 4:30 3:30 -- -- -- Come in your Hal lowe' en costume! V7V 1 J8 (604) 926-3291