FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SET UP BOOK DONOR PROGRAM Each year there are occasions when organizations and md-- 1 ividuals look for ways of honouring a member, a friend, or an outstanding community worker. What better way of doing this than by giving a gift that will become part of a true community project the West Vancouver Memorial Library. The Friends of the Library invite you to donate a book to the Library in appreciation or in memoriam. The Friends will help in selecting a suitable book in any price range and they will order the book for you. A suit-- ably inscribed book--plate with the names of the donor and the person honoured will be placed in the book. For further details, please contact the program co--ordin-- ators, Penny McLaughlin at 921--7659 or Margaret Maxwell at 921--9700. -- COMMUNITY DAYS IN HISTORICAL PHOTOGRAPHS June 6 is Community Day `81. How did West Vancouver celebrate in earlier years? See the display of Historical Photographs showing May Day parades, the Narvaez Sesquicentennial pageant and recent Community Day activities. NEW CARS OR OLD CARSWHICH AND WHAT TO BUY If you are looking for a 1981 automobile or wishing to check the service record of an older model, browse through the consumer guides which rate, compare and price an overwhelming number of models. This infor-- ination is available in the Reference Department. JUNE ARTIST -- Nigel Szeto DO YOU KNOW ABOUT TALKING BOOKS? Talking books are books recorded on cassette tape for persons who are physically or visually handicapped. Titles cover a variety to interest all ages. Talking books can be played on a cassette player either your own or one loaned by the library. Talking books can be borrowed from the library, the same as books. -- Works by Nigel Szeto are on display at the library this month. Mr. Szeto has studied painting in Hong Kong and at Capilano College. He has received many awards and is currently a teacher of Chinese painting. NOTHING ELSE, BUT TO RELAX AND LISTEN TO A GOOD BOOK! *CHI LOREN' S STORYTIME FOR TODDLERS CORNER* SEE YOU AT COMMUNITY DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 6 IS A DAY TO STAY AT HOME IN WEST VAN, THAT IS, C11UNITY DAY 11 PROMISES LOTS TO SEE AND DO WITH THE THEME `THE ARTS ON 1 THE LIBRARY WILL BE OFFERING STORIES PARADE' AND PUPPET S1{MS FROM NOON TO 14 P.M. ON THE GROUNDS AT THE RECREATION CENTRE. AS WELL, ThERE WILL BE A LIBRARY DISPLAY OF BOOKS ON THE ARTS STAFFED BY VOLUNTEERS FROM THE FRJENDS OF THE LIBRARY, PLAN TO COME TO THE FAIR! - Tuesdays 10:00 to 10:20 a.m. A short session of stories, fingerplays and rhymes for two--year--olds accompanied by an Please register by calling the adult. Children's Dept. 926--3291. -- STORYTIMES Wednesdays 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. Fridays 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. 3 to 5 year olds are invited to drop in for an informal program of stories, games and songs. No registration necessary.