PRE-SCHOOL FRENCH For 3 to 5 year--olds, Tuesdays 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. Songs, games and simple stories designed to provide an informal and enjoyable introduction to Register by calling the Children's French. 926--3291. Dept. -- JURE 1LB1T A MONTHLY *** LIBRARY OF CALENDAR *** ACTIVITIES C HE S S Yves Farges, our own chess champion, returns! Saturdays in June. Basic instruction for beginners. 10:30 to 11:30 Chess club. 11:30 to 12:30 chess sets and boards will The program is free Please register in the Children's be provided. 926--3291. Dept. -- -- -- -- LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND i'OU During June, the first signs of the library's automation program will be visible to the public. A registration desk will be set up near the entr ance to enable library borrowers to register for their new permanent library cards. This is nec essary as each borrower's card will bear a unique eight--digit number encoded in a bar--code. Each book will also have a bar--code label attached to It is this visible bar--code that will allow it. for speedy, reliable check--out service. Please take the time to register for your new and help us by reminding permanent library card others to do the same. More information on how the system will work be available at the regist ration desk. -- OF INTEREST TO ADULTS BOOKS FOR THE MIDDLE READER Stories Wednesday, June 10, 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. appropriate for children in grades 2 to 4. The discussion will deal with the various genres of fiction available and the language competence needed to fully benefit from these books. Adults interested in joining in this informal exchange, please call the Children's Dept. 926--3291. -- -- II- r PUPPET SHOW Friday, June 26, 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. 3.30 to 4:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME H JOIN THE MONSTER SUMMER SAFARI... and read your way through an eventful, monster-- packed summer. The week of June 22 is kick--off Remember to time for our Summer Reading Club. register in the Children's Dept. and pick up the Reading Club kit. WEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1950 Marine Drive, V est Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1 J8 (604) 926-3291