BOOKS $ = BOOKS * The March Booksale organized by the Friends of tho Library was a great success by any measure. Well over $1200 was raised to purchase new books. All the credit goes to the coordinator, Mrs. Shirley Smirk and all her volunteers who handled all aspects of the busy event. The library welcomes donations of books and records. Most we can use; the rest can always help us purchase the latest bestsellers! We welcome your gifts anytime. Don Mills, Chief Librarian. INCOME TAX LAST CHANCE. The April 30th deadline is approaching fast. Reireinber the Reference Department hab a comprehensive selec tion of up--to--date income tax guides and bulletins which can help you solve many of those nagging tax problems. - * WEST VANCOUVER HISTORY. This month the Reference Department will be displaying histor ical photographs of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway (PGE) in West Vancouver. TRAVELLING SOON? The Reference Department has a large collection of maps for B.C., Canada, U.S. and Europe. Along with telephone books from major cities in North America, the maps can help you in planning and preparing for your trips. * IN WITH THE OLD The antique lecture series held in March was a great success and well attended. Speakers Murray James and Marjorey Lawrence have expressed willingness to repeat the talks at a later date. Anyone interested please inquire at the adult services information desk. SEED CALALOGUES OUT? Gardens and gardening books for the know-- nothing gardener, the Saturday morning gardener and the every day gardener they are all here! Check the non--fiction catalogue or ask at the Adult Services information desk. Books are also on display. -- -- CHILDREN'S STORYTIME FOR TODDLERS CORNER Tuesdays 10:00 to 10:20 a.m. A short session of stories, games, finger plays and rhymes for two--ycar--olds, accompanied by an adult. Please register by callin, the Children's Department. 926--3291. PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIMES Wednesdays 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. Fridays 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. 3 to 5 year--olds are invited to drop in for an informal program of stories, games and songs. No registra tion necessary. APRIL ARTIST - Diana Kemble Lithographs by Diana Kemble will be on display in the West Wing this month. Diana is also a well--known musician, teacher of piano and part-- time librarian in this library.