recessionary times to maintain the standa of service you've come to expect of us. We weren't able to purchase as many books as we would have liked this year but will hope to do better in 1986. On behalf of the Library Board and all members of staff, I would like to wish all all our patrons a very Merry Christmas and HappyNew Year. ADULT SERVICES DEPARTMENT IN THE GALLERY -- 3 94.268 L72g LIFE MAGAZINE The Glory of Christmas Volñme 1. Za4 /%` Jack Mounce Chief Librarian REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Patrons should remember that we have telephone books for British Columbia and the major cities of North America with comprehensive postal and zip code directories which will be useful for checking addresses for Christmas mail. Our 1985 issue of Toy Report has This helps consumers arrived. discover the safety and educational value of toys especially useful for Christmas shopping. -- Watercolours and black and white pencil sketches of West Vancouver by Houchang Seyhoun will be displayed in the Gallery the month of December. Mr. Seyhoun, an internationally acclaimed artist and architect, has lectured throughout the world. His work is in many permanent collections and he has exhibited in London, Rome, Tokyo, Paris and the United States. All paintings are for sale. 394.5 L721 Volume 2. From the Prophecies to the World Reborn T.ienty Centuries of Glittering Pageantry ( Volumes 1 and 2 represent the traditions and glory of Christmas the world over. Lustrous colour and meticulously re searched. AT CHRISTMAS PLAY AND MAKE GOOD CHEER A few suggestions from our great collection of holiday books 745.5 H4ah HENDRICKS, Harryette "3t Ipzpna urj wrll Iat (!Iritma nIwulz fall nut in tIje rnithU uf winter" - Bow To Make Christmas Ornaments Simple to complex, step by step instructions to make your own "fabulously beautiful" ornaments. Addison C 745.54 P3 BROCK, Anne--11arie HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT - Piatas The custom, the use, and the making of piffatas. A decorative, exciting surprise at a special Christmas party. A video presentation of holiday films will be shown in the Library: Thursday, December 19 Friday, December 20 Monday, December 23 Time each day: 2:30 p.m. C) 394 2 CHR . JOSEPH, Robert The Christmas Book Stories, legends, poems, customs, carols, party ideas, recipes and decorations. Some new business and investment acquisitions are: Financial Post's Industrial Location Directory and Survey of Labour Market Surv; RRSP and Investment Fund Performance, and Going Public on the Vancouver Stock Exchapg. COFFEE AND MUSIC -- ... Relax from shopping and the cold enjoy coffe and Christmas music daily in the Library from December 19 to December 24th. 394 . 2 SNY SNYDER, Phillip The Christmas Tree Book History of the decorated Christmas tree antique ornaments reproduced in full colour, entertaining and charmingly illustrated. -- GIFT SUGGESTIONS -- Pick up a "Books for Christmas Gift List". Selected books for the whole family will be included.