WWW.N$ARTISTS.CA NORTH SHORE STSGUU.D Nortii Shore:Artists' GultdF January 2009 Newsletter Inside This Issue Message from the President Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year. I wish all of you a wonderful year full of new inspirations and painting endeavors! I want to thank everyone who submitted suggestions and concerns about our Annual Fine Art Show and Sale. Our debriefing session will take plaace as soon as we can get all the committee heads together. In the meantime, if anyone has anything more to add, please contact me at 604-980-8907 orjacquie@keynotetech.com. I welcome your comments. The library committee will be further culling the magazines and books at Klee Wyck and will have them available for loan at the February meeting. Thank-you Dawna, Betty and Sachio for your dedication to keeping this educational service alive and well in our new home! For this year's donation to the public libraries we have chosen Chris Tyrell's new book, "Artist Survival Skills". I will be delivering them shortly. So onward and upward to greater artistic heights, people! See you in February... Respectfully submitted, Jacquie Manning President I 2 2 2-3 3 4 Message from the President Membership Report NSAG Board of Directors Exhibitions Report Workshops Minutes from January 2009 Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 11th, 7- 9:30pm. West Vancouver Seniors Activity Centre, 695 21 sf Street West Vancouver, BC J'iEH Please forward any letters, questions, additions or inquiries about the Newsletter to: Lilna MacPherson at 604 --671-5672 or liina.macphersongmail .com Thank you. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ND MEETINGS WILL NOW BE ON THE 2 Wednesday OF EACH MONTH (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF JULY AND AUGUST)!