Arts Access; The Voice of the North Shore Arts Community., 1 Jan 1994, p. 14

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c a 11 b o a r d Nominate a Canadian Craftsperson The Jean A. Chalmers Award lor Crafts will be presented in May to an outstanding Canadian craftsperson. Nominations arc now being accepted for this S20.000 national pri/c. ThefirstChalmers Award for Crafts was awarded last year to the late Francois Houdc. one of ihc country's leading glassworkcrs, and a founder of Espace Verrc. Quebec's only school for glasswork. possibilities in the search for personal Writing on the Threshold entails vision, voice, transcendence. threshold invites established and unpublished writers from all vantage points to submit writing for the inaugural July issue. Contact Threshold at #217-810 West Broadw ay, Vancouver. V5Z 4C9. Arts Assistance grams are not available lo organizations that do not serve ihe North Shore directly. Operating granls are given lo defray a portion of operating or program costs lor established cultural organizations that serve the North Shore. Project granls are available to assist special initiatives which would increase the level of service lo the North Shore. Organizations may appl> for cither an operating grant OR a project grani The deadline for applications is January II si Application forms and detailed application instructions can be picked al the North Shore Arts Commission. I4X last 2nd St in North Vancouver Please call 980-3559 for more information. National Poetry Contest January 31st is the deadline for the next edition of the League of Canadian Poets' National Poetry Contest, offering prizes of S500-S1000. There is an entry fee of S6. and poems must be 75 lines or less. For complete rules, send a SASE to the League at 24 Ryerson Ave.. Toronto. M5T 2P3. presented to a Canadian craftsperson whose work has set standards for innovation and excellence and continues to influence creativity. The deadline for nominations is Chalmers Awards Office at the Ontario Arts Council. (416) 961-1660. City of Surrey-- Invitation to Artists The City of Surrey is sponsoring a public an competition open to all B.C. artists. To celebrate the arrival of SkyTrain to the City Centre in early 1994. the City plans to install a specially designed plaque within the sidewalk of City Parkway--the main street of the City Centre. This is thefirstof a series of plaques thai will be installed in the sidewalk of ihc mam slreel. The plaques are an important component of the Urban Design Vision for the City Centre. Interested artists arc invited to submit designs for the plaque. The winning artist will be responsible for an on-site, open installation of die design. A competition for brief detailing the requirements is available from Anita Deitcr. Project Coordinator. Planning and Development Department. City of Surrey, 14245 56th Ave.. Surrcs. V3X 3A2; phone: 591-4281. The deadline for the design submissions is Monday. January 31st. Volunteer for your Local Museum The North and West Vancouver Museums are holding a series for prospective volunteers, called Exploring Museums-- Our Past, Your Future. There will be behind-the-scenes explorations and insightful talks by leading museum people from the Vancouver area, as well as two bus trips. The scries takes place February 7th & 9th. and February 14th & 16lh. rrom I -4 pm. at the Lucas Centre. North Shore Continuing Education. 2132 Hamilton Ave., in North Vancouver. The fee is S10. Please contact Jacquic Gijsscn at the West Vancouver Museum. 926-9254. or Shirley Sutherland at the North Vancouver Museum. 987-5618. for further information. About Face--A New Program Aimed at Playwrights About Face, developed and led by Beverly Yhap in association with the New Play Centre, is a program to encourage wnung for theatre from among communities of colour and First NationWorking from the assumption thai theatre springs from and musi reflect diverse experiences. About Face proposes practical training in dramatic writing D M hniques as a first step to presenting vital "new"' stones from the inside out. Participanis will work from a story idea they supply toward a short scripted lext for performance. The format tar About Face will mi* dim led writing activities with structured and informal shop talk (demystifying lechnieal terms like character, action, etc. I Through the input of guest speakers/leaden including Evan Adams, Sadhu Binning. Dennis Foon. Margo Kane and Pauline Peters. About Face participants will be exposed to a wide variety of appmaches and experiences. Program leader Beverly Yhap is a playwright formerly based in Toronto where she founded and led Cahoots Theatre Projects, an intercultural company that convened Write About Now!. a conference of visible minority playwrights in 1990. She is a graduate of York University, and has participated in play development programs at the Banff Playwrights Colony. Women in View, and Playwrights Workshop Montreal. Her plays include Settlement and Body Blows. About Face is open tofirst-timeand emerging writers of colour and First Nations. The group will meet on Thursdays from 7-10 pm. January 27th through Apn! 14th. at the New Play Centre Rehearsal Hall on Granville Island. The fee is $90. and bursaries are available. Registration is limited lo 12. and applications are on a first-come,first-servedbasis, so register soon! Interested applicants should submit a one-page story idea Contact Beverly Yhap for more information at 685-6228. North Shore Arts Assistance Grant Applications Writing on the Threshold The primary goal of the North Shore Arts Commission-administered Arts Assistance Grant Program is to strengthen North Shore arts and heritage organizations. The majority of funds will be directed to organizations located on the North Shore. Threshold International Literary Magazine The programrecognizesthat the ability of is a forthcoming semi-annual publication North Shore arts organizations to achieve presenting a forum of impression- and high artistic intent and to develop a diverse perspectives which lend insight into human and expanding audience is enhanced by the rights struggles andresponsesin the world availability of work produced by others today. Us format is of a paperback journal based elsewhere. It is therefore willing to containing articles, essays, poetry, personal allocate a percentage of its total available response, fiction, reportage, interviews, funds for the work of organizations based photography and visuals. elsewhere. The percentage to be so allocated will be the maximum available It is the domain of the writer to alert people for this purpose and will be determined on to the image of freedom which lies in an annual basis. creativity, expression and discovery. The passions and efforts of Threshold contributors will lend faith and insight to make clear that the struggle for expression and self-definition must be taken up by primary purpose is in ihc area of cultural every impassioned individual. The activity. Organizations without Society dc\elopmeni o( Threshold .is an ongoing status must apply under the auspices of a artistic resource is conceived as a galeway non-profit society. Applicants must supply and a bridge between nations, ideas and Note: Arts Assistance grants arc not made for capital expenses or deficit reduction. Threshold is a "new" publication seeking inspired writing, insightful expositions and creative responses which pervade