on Volunteer Fair to Focus on Cultural Organizations by Christine Halfitll If vou ihouuhl that volunteers v. ere location rush of the holidays is over and the business of keeping our w inter spirits up is upon us, take some time out to lend a hand and find out why volunteers arc noi always who you think they arc. This event is free and open to all and there is no obligation. Sec you at the fair, from 4 to 7:30 pm at the Lucas Centre for Continuing Education. 2132 Hamilton Ave. Call 980-3559 for The first speakers will be Bill MacDonald and Alan Wood on Tuesday. January 11th. Both arc affiliated with North Vancouver'* Artists for Kids Trust, which has an impressive roster of artists and a sizeable collection of work. Therevenuegenerated from the sale of a series of limited edition artists' prints is used to further children"* art education. The second Articulate speaker will be Jody Wigmorc. an historian, who has spoken extensively about the history of photography. Her illustrated lecture takes place at the Silk Purse on Tuesday. January 25th. This will precede the opening of Hcalher Fisher's photography exhibit. Rocks I Have Known, at the Ferry Building. Other speakers include Dr. Archie McPherson from Simon Fraser University speaking about ideas and meanings lied up in the architecture of Vancouver, and Dr Paul Budra. also from SFU. talking about postmodernism and contemporary culture Dr. Budra's presentation promises to be entertaining and informative as he will be looking at facets of our everyday culture-- things that we all deal with on a day-to-day full \-olunteers as the host of 1. An amateur historian who is fascinated with the local museum and has trained to be a docent (museum guide). The F e r r y B u i l d i n g at Ambleside Landing 2. A committed theatre-goer who is handy with a sewing machine or accounting software and enjoys the view from Ferry Building Launches Articulate Lecture Series The Ferry Building Gallery at Ambleside Landing stands alone--both literally and figuratively. The space, the mission and the programmes arc unique, contributing to the. strength of the overall picture. The building has served many functions in its lifetime. From its humble beginnings as the North Shore Ferry Terminal and later a municipal bus shelter, it has now emerged as a juried, public an gallery on die North Shore. The Ferry Building exhibits artwork created by North Shore artists. It is a community-based gallery, featuring the work of artists within that community. The work accepted for exhibition is exceptionally diverse and varied, both in content and in media. Recently, a unanimous decision was made to include photo-based work in the twice-yearly jurying process. The Ferry Building isn't jusi a gallery though. Housed upstairs are District of West Vancouver Cultural Services staff, who administer a number of programmes, such as the Harmony Arts Festival and the Music & Muffins series. Some of these events lake place at the Feny Building itself; oihers arc mounted at the Silk Purse just down the road. Alter a short hialus. cultural programmes will be returning full force in January. These programmes include bi-weekly lectures and trips, as well as an NFB film series. These will all be in addition to the existing artist lectures that accompany each show in the Gallery. These new public programmes were slowly unveiled throughout (he Fall with the screenings of several films and two bus trips. The NFB films shown have been well as issues to do with the arts in Canada. The lirsi bus trip was to hear Timothy I milks read ,ii the Vancouver International Write audi sludios. The second bus trip included stops at the Seattle Art Museum and the Henry Art Gallery at the University of Washington. In January, a scries of arts-related lectures arc slated for the Silk Purse. The scope of this Winter lecture series is varied: the content will range from the didactic to the 3. Someone who put the clarinet down years ago but persists in a love of music In making phone e.ill- or celling tickets fora chamber music recital. 4. An experienced organizer who enjoys the challenge of a fundraising event and just loves to throw a party. 5. A person who enjoys meeting people and who wants to connect with like-minded individuals committed to a common goal. 6. An extremely fortunate individual who feels the need to give something back to the community. 7. A dedicated culture hound who knows that because volunteers are unsalaried, their credibility with the community is greater than salaried staff, thcreb) making them excellent advocates for their chosen area of Although not until March. Gcrardo Avila. Latin American storyteller and magician, is sure to be a (real! Gcrardo will be performing wiih Carlos Galinda. percussionist, to present scleral traditional and not-so-traditional stories from ihcir cullunr. His stories are often embellished with mime, music, comedy and magic. Further information about all of these programmes can be obtained by calling 925-3605 or by picking up a brochure ai the Ferry Building Gallery. Sarah Chihvrs yvorks part-lime as a Cultural Programmer for f/ie District of West Yanromvr. 8. Someone challenged by the responsibility of sitting on the executive board of an arts organization. 9. Anyone who enjoys the freedom of choice, whether it be in terms of area of interest or amount of time donated. 10. Any of the thousands of Canadians of all ages and backgrounds who support cultural activities as volunteers and without whom many cultural organizations would There is no doubt that the cultural community of the North Shore has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decades. This is due in large measure to a strong volunteer tradition With increased awareness and assistance it can only grow stronger. In its capacity as ad\ocalc of the arts, the North Shore Arts Commission is hosting a Cultural Volunteer Fair on January 13. 1994. with the intent of bringing arts and heritage organizations together with likeminded individuals who recognize the importance of these organizations to our community. Perhaps you will come with a particular interest in mind or you will allow yourself to be seduced by any number of fascinating options In any case, when the 10 1994