Arts Access; The Voice of the North Shore Arts Community., 1 Nov 1993, p. 15

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Councils 25th Anniversary Visual Arts Competition A major arts competition has been announced by the North Vancouver Community Arts Council, in anticipation of its 25th anniversary celebrations in 1994. A S500 cash award plus numerous other prizes will be given to a visual artist whose work is selected in this juried competition. The theme of the Arts Council's 25th anniversary is North Vancouver 19691994 A Community in Cultural Transition. With the ethnic makeup of North Vancouver continuing to diversify, the programs and services of cultural institutions and artists' organizations should also transform. This coming spring, the Arts Council will be producing several major public arts events for the 25th anniversary. The selected artist's work will be featured on the promotional materials for all of these events A T-shirt will be printed with the design, as will a colour poster, pamphlets and postcards. This competition is unique in that it is open to all visual artists--filmmakers, potters, photographers, weavers, painters, sculptors. 2D or 3D. etc. It will be the challenge of the Adjudication Committee to imagine how the work will be reproduced. A film clip.' Line art? A photograph of pottery? An architect's rendering? In addition to the $500 cash, other prizes include an Arts Council (renewal) membership, gift of art supplies, a portfolio of all the 25th year printed materials, and invitations to all 1994 openings and events. Eligibility--Open to everyone. Criteria--The work will be printed on posters. T-shirts and in local newspapers. Colours used are at the artist's discretion. The theme of North Vancouver 1969-1994: A Community in Cultural Transition may be integrated in the piece. We encourage the anist tit explore references of a community transforming and awakening to the issue of inclusion. Important issues include the advancements made by women over the past 25 years, the changing demographics of North Vancouver's ethnic population and how the Eurocentric focus of cultural programming excludes diverse people's living experiences. INDIVIDUAL S15 Deadline--November 30th. delivered to the North Vancouver Community Arts Council office at 333 Chesterfield Avenue. Assessment--The adjudication process consists of a review by staff to determine reproduction requirements and feasibility. With selection decisions being made b\ the Arts Council 25th Anniversary Programming Committee, Final ratification will be made b> ihe Arts Council Board. Submissions--Please include the following information when you submit your work: name; phone number (home iind work); address, including postal code: age (under 14, 15-24, or over 25). Information--Call the Arts Council office at 988-6844. CIVIC I I HERITAGE A R E YOU INTERESTED IN B E C O M I N G A VOLUNTEER? YES | | N O Q~ Art Projects to Address Theme of Cultural Transition In celebration of its 25th anniversary, the North Vancouver Community Arts Council is inviting proposals for joint projects under the theme of North Vancouver 1969-1994: A Community in Cultural Transition. This theme challenges the arts communities' attitudes and interpretation of the ethnic diversity of the community, and the inclusion of minorities and other traditionally under-represented peoples in Western art practice. For a detailed description of this theme please call the Arts Council office at 988-6844. · quality of the project and innovation of the program · number of participating artists and audience · profile of 25th-year theme in community promotion · inclusion of theme in project goals A l l proposals must include a brief budget sheet listing expenses and revenue, as well as a Promotion Strategy Profile, detailing how the project will reach its audience and the community. Final approval will be granted by the Arts Council Board. Criteria--The project criteria is very open, however, the theme of North Vancouver 1969-1994: A Community in Cultural Transition should be integrated in some way with the project. Deadline--The deadlir : for proposals A 1994 series of community arts projects will be the result of this funding initiative, with productions by both the Arts Council and its members. It is hoped that proposals will come forward from the following Arts Council constituencies: visual, literary, performing, craft/artisan, civic, youth, and heritage arts. Posters and promotional materials will feature the series of selected events and projects. No more than 50<7c of the total project budget will be provided through this program, with a maximum grant of $1000. Eligibility -- Projects must be administered by the Arts Council member groups or individual artist members. Proposals could come from a neighbourhood art gallery, youth arts group, potters' guild, artists' collective, etc. Assessment--Proposals will first be reviewed by Arts Council staff in order to determine feasibility of financing and series scheduling. Then all proposals, with an attached review, will be given to the Arts Council's 25th Anniversary Programming Committee. Priorities for funding will be assessed based on the following: · lasting benefit to the community or the artists' organization November 30th. Inquiries and completed proposals should be submitted to the 25th Anniversary Programming Committee, North Vancouver Community Arts Council, 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver, V 7 M 3G9, tel: 988-6844, fax: 986-5380. WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 1570 ARGYLE AVENUE WEST VANCOUVER B.C. NORTH \ COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 333 CHESTERFIELD AVENUE NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. V7M 3G9 TELEPHONE: 9S8-6844 INDIVIDUAL, G R O U P & ^] |] FAMILY NORTH WEST MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY COMMUNITY ' SENIOR A P P L I C A T I O N ARTS ARTS f VANCOUVER VANCOUVER STUDENT $10 COUNCIL COUNCIL S20 PATRON S100 GROUP S50 S10 ' FAMILY lNDIVIDUAL:Mr./Mrs./Ms./D/: F A M I L Y : Mr. & Mrs. G R O U P : S T R E E T CITY. P R O V I N C E C O D E T E L E P H O N E : _ BOX/SUITE # P O S T A L D O N A T I O N : SPECIFIC A R E A AII , LITERARY ARTS PERFORMING ARTS | | VISUAL ARTS [ _ O F INTEREST: In West Vancouver please call 922-1110. In North Vancouver please call 988-6844. to participate fully in CAC act ail Membership fees and dot r the regular mcmherikip fee Art. Ac. . Nov/Dec 199 3 15