birthdays West Van Arts Council Turns 25 by Mary Capie r the West Vancouver Community Arts Council marked its 25th anniversary. Past and present Council members, as well as several other wellwishers, turned out on August 13th to honour the Council and celebrate its myriad accomplishments in furthering the arts on the North Shore. Butterflies were the theme for the evening. As Katherine McBean wrote when she submitted the winning design for the volunteer pin, "butterflies always suggest something free, creative, true and colourful...This motif would be suitable for the creative and colourful work that the Arts Council displays and teaches at the Silk Purse." As a memento of the event, "Arts " o n Argyle" T-shirts (black with a gold butterfly) were sold. The funds raised went to the Harmony Arts Festival. The evening provided an occasion for me to reflect on the organization's history. The Arts Council was formed in 1968 when three arts groups (the West Vancouver Sketch Club, West Vancouver Band Association, and West Vancouver Little Theatre Guild--now Theatre West Van) banded together, at the provincial government's request, to administer grant from the B.C. Cultural Fund. 6 »coming Events At Your artCentre Delbrook Pottery Studio presents: Throwing Workshop with Bob Klnqsmill i popular renown Western Canadian potter, Bob ill in a two day weekend workshop September 26lh. Mr Kingsmill has visited Delbrook on two s occasions to share his unique handbuilding tald hilarious life experiences with an enthusiastic ;e of North Shore porters. This fall, Mr. Kingsrnill nge the format to concentrate on wheel lechInformaiive and always enlerlaining, Bob ;ill's workshops fill very quickly so register early, r 2,3.10:00-4:00pm; registration code: A3D, call 987-PLAY lo register. :rco.our Workshop with Seko Owen Owen, painling is "an exploratory exlension of i observations and inleresl in the world": transsensual experience into abstract form is a proMs. Owen has perfected yet constantly strives lop. Originally from Croatia, Seka Owen has with some of the world's finest contemporary ind has herself exhibited in the galleries of Canindon, and New York. November 13 & 14th finds /en sharing her enormous skill and expertise in jlour painting with students al the Delbrook recJust therightbalance of demonstration, particicntique, and slides ensures those who register weekend workshop wll not be disappointed lues such as wet on wet, wet on dry, paper rig, and layering are just some of the areas rhai revered (Beginners lo advanced painlers are « to take part in this session! (Registration code: A3D; 10:00-4:00pm, November 13/14) Did you know?... tie best kept secrets around is that (here are Fine jams running oul of Ron Andrews recCentre, in nour area of North Vancouver. Art classes for chiljes 6 to 12 years, are taught by well-known North .list and instructor Elizabeth Diners. These classes Art Expresswns, and Art Around tie World, which i developing a child's creativity through various art maojnauve and fun, they are sure lo expand your appreciation of and interest in the world of Art Find it Ron Andrews recCentre can offer in the way of is programs! Ponce Steps ot lonsdole recCentre In fact, so many changes have happened of late that we decided to take a step back and reassess our goals. We held a retreat in the spring, which was attended by Arts Council staff and board members; Arts Commission and Cultural Services officers were also invited to give their input. Revitalized by this retreat, we have been busy with our pared-down list of goals. Our priorities are threefold: recruiting volunteers to host the downstairs drop-in centre; further developing our role on the municipal arts team; and adopting and raising the profile of the "Arts on Argyle" slogan. This is more than enough for now. but our future goals include increased services from this building. Celebrating our anniversary was very important to us. It gave us a chance to pat ourselves on the back while we reminisced, and nourished our creative spirit as we look ahead to the next 25 years. Mary Caple is the President of the West Vancouver Community Arts Council and is very active in the North Shore theatre community. Soon afterwards, I represented the Theatre Guild on the Arts Council board. We met in the Red Cross House (which has long since been razed for the library expansion). My involvement at the time was brief and I only remember that there was a small group of us meeting in an even smaller space. Over the years, though, my involvement with Theatre West Van brought us together many times as both groups looked for a home. In 1977, we managed to secure Klee Wyck. Klee Wyck, a house with beautiful acreage on the banks of the Capilano River, had been willed to the municipality by Dr. Evelyn Trapp, who stipulated that it be used for the arts. We spent many years working out of this beautiful but rather isolated spot. Then, four years ago, two municipallyowned houses on the waterfront came available. 1 was President of Theatre West Van and a new member of the W V C A C at the time. In 1989, Theatre West Van took possession of 1564 Argyle Avenue, and one year later--excited and encouraged by their success--the Arts Council embarked on a joint venture with West Vancouver Cultural Services to renovate the Silk Purse at 1570 Argyle Avenue. The building now houses the Council office, studio space, and a drop-in lounge/gallery. What a change! We have moved from a place most of West Vancouver had never even heard of to one which receives over 1500 visitors a month! Nor are we any longer the sole umbrella group championing the arts in West Vancouver--our efforts arc now bolstered by West Vancouver Cultural Services and the North Shore Arts Commission. sr received her three year certificate in Contempoince and Choreography from the London School ce in London, England. She is trained in ContemBallel, Tai Ch'ai. repertory, Choreography, BaBody-Conditioning, Music, Doublework and How h. Mosl recently, she has returned to the North after spending a month in Winnipeg altending the Winnipeg Ballet summer school where she was 1 a teaching position for nexi summer. sdale recCentre Heather will be instructing two ograms: Tiny Tu-Tu's For Two's a parent and articipatory dance/movement dass. Arts Alert orth Vancouver Recreation Commission is curseeking instructors for our artCentre programs, jr community come lo know and understand you JUT work by snaring with them your experience as m the form of a lesson program or workshop, them lo understand and experience your creaurit and through your guidance, support for the our comrnunity will continue to flourish. Please 57-PLAY for more information. 3 WTiGentre A n . Acca» Sep/CX. 1993 3