theatre "Bringing It All Together" For The Deep Cove Stage Society. by Gail Trainer Spring '92 holds two ver> exciting events for Deep Cove Stage! The first, getting settled into our new home at the Deep Cove Cultural Centre. The second, competing in the annual Theatre B.C. Nonh-Shore-Zone Drama the Deep Cove Cultural Centre in June' In the mosey on down lo Deep Cove and take a look al Ihe new building iGallanl Street). II you would like lojoin or learn more about Deep Cove Stage, please eal] the Cultural Cenlre. 929-5944 or Dcbra Drayton. President 42M857. A New Acting Program Studio Series '92 - '93 Imagine a showcase of six community theatre groups, six plays and six nights of coming together to learn, share and compete! To compound the excitement, the festival will b e held at The Cove Theatre in the new Deep Cove Cultural Centre (week of April 20th). What a fabulous way to break in a new theatre, and what a treat for the community and its players! Perhaps die best thing about the drama festival and about all community theatre is how it brings people together in a most enjoyable way. The expression, celebration, and sharing of the human story through live theatre also helps to strengthen and develop a sense of togetherness or community. And wouldn't a strong artistic and cultural community also be a prime asset lor any community? Anyway. Theatre B.C.'s Drama Festival certainly plays a big pan in dev eloping and supporting the artistic and cultural activities that exist in our .ibout ttiree decades The wav it woiks is, the oken « provi . the, Calling All Artists, Performers and Musicians! Each summer the three North Shore municipalities host a successful series of public most of the presenters are professional performers and artists, we would also like to create opportunities for local artists to gain experience and to participate in these commu- September 1992. She has an extensive background in theatre and modern dance and uses it to work with groups and individuals disciplines to create a well-integrated holistic Q: What distinguishes your approach from other theatre programs offered locally? A: Essentially, it is a strong belief in the value of exploring artistic process trom a fully evolv ed s\ stem of principles and aspirations. The ideal system or "method" of any art needs to be a well-integrated whole, rich and full, and most certainly objective. The actor has to perform on the most difficult instrument to master - his very own physical and emotional being. I offer a technical training that works towards the attainment of a sensitive balance between body and psychology . I am very aware of the fact that peoplesuffer in various ways from the body's resistance. The performer is desperate to free himself of bodily resistance because only then can he access his real talent. Q: And so even the talented person can need technical training to the creative process? A: The teacher/director Michael Chekhov would answer you by saying: The "system" when fully exercised and patiently assimilated becomes the performer's "second nature" - a powerful tool to spring from. The participant can now access all the facets of her being and awaken emotions at will. She can be radiant; full of stage presence, w ith control over her creative abilities. The process becomes an illuminating experience. Q: Who created the system ihat has influenced We invite all North Shore amateur musicians, dance groups, visual artists, theatrical groups to apply lor inclusion in our summer parks performance programs. The municipality will provide a venue, promotional and technical Applications must include the following y pc of prcscui.iiion. pin iddr, "Does an intelligent child need an education?" Perhaps talented persons need to understand creative process more than anyone else because talent or "inspiration" can be the most unpredictable of our endowments, Street. West Vancouver. B.C. V7V 3T3. Deadline for submissions is April 30. 1992. winner trom each /one goes on to compete at a provincial level That is at "Main Stage Festival" which will be held in Campbell River this year. The drama festival offers community theatre groups a chance to put on the best they can produce, get valuable feedback on their work, and to Icam from each other. The community gets a chance to come out and see what's happening in its midst and is invited to slay alicr ihe performance for the most interesting experience of hearing ihe public adjudicalion. N e w playwrights also get an opportunity to participate in local play writing contests and have their works produced in the festival. On ihat note. Deep Cove Stage Society is pleased to announce that Mr. Ken Zokol's "Casual Employment" is the winner of the Fall '9] play writing contest. Mr. Zokol won SICK) and his one-act play w ill be produced as one of Deep Cove Stage's festival entries. The play has already been cast and will be directed by Li/ Lambert Deep Cove Stage will also be entertaining another play called "For Those In Peril At Set", by W.O. Mitchell. Deep Cove Stage's festival achievements include awards for best company ensemble with "The Indian Warns The Bronx" in 1979. for best production with "Plantation DeSade. Or How To Poison Ivy" in 19X7, and lor best production, actor, supporting actor, and set design with "Journey's End" in 1991. Vt'c look forward to ihe festival and to you coming oui and cheering us on again! And dotal forget to watch For ihe Grand Opening of Haunted House Hamlet Peter Eliot Weiss, will proside a wonderful opportunity lor some tongue-in-cheek" enjoyment of Shakespeare's classic. When a young boy breaks into the theaire, he encounters the spirits of all the previous productions of Hamlet which have taken place there. The walls will resonate with Shakespeare s words, hut not necessarily in the order audience is free lo wander through the building, and through Anne MacDonald Hall next door, choosing w Inch scenes to watch and in which order. A: The foundation techniques arc a blend developed by Michael Chekhov and Konstantin Stanislavsky. I studied under a student of Chekhov \ and have been intrigued by creative process for years. o V I t !i !· been important lor me on many levels. To be brief. I will say that I am starting to build a movement program to further meet the specific needs of the actor. This will be a hefty challenge. Q: Whei studio located? A: I have been renting space at Highlands United Church. The participants have been teens and adults, primarily non-professionals, although recently 1 have been approached by some very experienced performers. To register for April classes, or for further details, please call Sally at 988-1768. Arts Aeeess Spring 1992 9