Arts Access; The Voice of the North Shore Arts Community., 1 Jun 1991, p. 5

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WEST VANCOUVERCOMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL WE'RE MOVING!! Notes From Klee Wyck Spring has been a special time for all of us who use Klee Wyck - the gardens have been so b e a u t i f u l . K l e e W y c k is r e g u l a r l y u s e d b y a n u m b e r of community art groups and teachers for workshops and classes. In addition, the space has also been home to a number of special events including the North Shore S p r i n g J u r y i n g f o r the q u a l i f y i n g entrants into the Images a n d Objects Exhibition, the " A r t of a Mutual Affair" s h o w a n d r e h e a r s a l space f o r the M o o d y v i l l e Theatre group. M a n y of our member groups have also used Klee Wyck over the years for storage of t h e i r a r c h i v a l m a t e r i a l s , display boards and costumes. Since we have recently been doing some "house cleaning" in anticipation of our move to 1570 A r g y l e A v e n u e i n A u g u s t , i t i s probably a good time to come in and see what y o u have left with us if y o u have belongings stored at Klee Wyck. In other news, we have a Challenge '91 s t u d e n t f o r the s u m m e r , C h r i s S a m w a l d , to assist us w i t h the C o h o Festival Art Show and to update our arts database. K i m O g d e n , from our Work Experience Program (a student of West V a n c o u v e r S e c o n d a r y School) w a s coming in two days a week to update our membership lists. We appreciate your prompt response to the membership fee r e m i n d e r that has been sent to y o u . Thank y o u for your support! O u r other office volunteers include D o n n a Penman who helps with typing and other office duties, Berit D o l d e n w h o l o o k s after the a d v e r t i s i n g a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n p a r t of the A r t s A c c e s s newsletter, and S t e p h a n i e S a u g m a n n who contacted all our member groups for t h e i r i n p u t i n t o t h i s i s s u e of the newsletter. A big thank you to all of you for y o u r invaluable assistance. A very special thank y o u must also go to our treasurer, R o b e r t A r c h e r , w h o spent many hours getting our books ready for the auditor. W e w i s h y o u a w o n d e r f u l summer and invite all artists to please drop in on us from time to time - we have a gTeat deal of information at our office and we are always ready to assist you with your community art projects. Lynn Flipse Administrator, W.V.C.A.C. The West Vancouver Community Arts Council will soon be moving to "The Silk Purse", 1570 Argyle Avenue, West Vancouver, sometime in August of this year. Once owned by the Rowland family, the Silk Purse was lovingly renovated by John Rowland over the last twenty years. For a number of years the residence was offered as a "Honeymooners Hideaway" many West Vancouver couples spent their first night as man and wife in this special sea-side cottage. The unique name of the house came about, as John Rowland explains, "While doing my thing with the house our middle son Jay said 'Dad is trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear'. An old saying but for lack of something better to call the place, the name stuck." The property was turned over to the District of West Vancouver this past June to be used by the West Vancouver Arts Council. Come by and visit - see a special jewel of West Vancouver's history. "An Engagement Is Announced" - between business and the arts! "For the third time Lynn Flipse of the Community Arts Council has introduced an artist at our Breakfast meetings. On May 7th Sharmini Wirasekara exhibited her 'one of a kind' hand-painted silk fabrics. She swirls evocative colours onto shimmering Cathay silks in gorgeous one-of-a-kind designs where they truly become romantic 'wearable art'." · 1 iw i nmmmutm - D M V « K C .<I ft* Wm Ms. Adine Day, Assistant Manager of Community Relations for Vancouver City Savings Credit Union hands over a cheque for $500.00 to Marius Soska, President of the West Vancouver Community Arts CounciL The money w i l l be used to fund the art show in conjunction with the Coho Festival. ARTS ACCESS SUMMER 1991 P A G E FTVE