GREAT SUCCESS FOR THE B . C . FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS DISTRICT OF N O R T H VANCOUVER M A Y 22 - 26,1991 The recent B.C. Festival of the Arts, sponsored by the District of North Vancouver, saw young artists from all over the province converge on the North Shore. The Festival involved over 2,000 participants - the "best of the best" finalists from communities throughout British Columbia. Residents will remember the colourful banners and site decorations on Lonsdale and 23rd Street highlighting a local component of the Festival, along with the "Centennial Community Showcase" which encouraged greater community involvement. The Images and Objects exhibition was a dazzling display of artwork by B.C. visual artists. The conversion of the Lonsdale Curling Rink into the exhibition's venue was a marvelous transformation, producing a gallery space with great impact and atmosphere for the work housed there. Many attenders marvelled at the quality of the Images and Objects exhibition, with the only criticism being that they wished it could have lasted longer!! The City and District of North Vancouver along with many, many volunteers are to be thanked for their commitment and dedication in making the B.C. Festival of the Arts such a lasting success. Bravo!! NORTH VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 988-6844 WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 922-1110 NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS - Please make sure to send the application to the appropriate Arts Council. To save confusion, there are two separate applications below - one for the North Vancouver Community Arts Council and one for the West Vancouver Community Arts Council. If you wish to join both, all the better! Your patronage enables you to participate in our special programs, receive our newsletter and support the cultural development of your community. All DONATIONS will have a tax receipt issued. Supporting and patron members will receive a tax receipt for the amount minus the membership costs. NEW MEMBERSHIP NAME P H O N E NUMBER (RES.) (Bus.) APPLICATION · NORTH V A N C O U V E RCOMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL ADDRESS POSTAL C O D E Are you a resident of: N . V . District INDIVIDUAL ... $11 F A M I L Y . . . $16 N . V . City G R O U P . . . $26 $ This is a N E W membership SENIOR/STUDENT ... $ 4 This is a R E N E W A L : CORPORATE ... $ 51 SUPPORTING MEMBER ... $ 101 DONATION Please make cheques payable to THE NORTH VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL, 333 Chesterfield Ave, North Vancouver, B.C V7M 3G9 Include This Section With Appropriate Special Area(s) of Interest: Theatre Literary Arts NEW MEMBERSHIP NAME P H O N E NUMBER (RES.) MEMBERSHIP TYPE (FEE ENCLOSED): Application: YES NO ARE Y O U INTERESTED I N BECOMING A VOLUNTEER? Music APPLICATION Dance · Film/Video Visual Arts Other WEST V A N C O U V E R COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL ADDRESS . POSTAL C O D E FAMILY ... $ 15 _ . GROUP ... $ 50 _ PATRON ... $ 100 (Bus.) INDIVIDUAL ... $ 10 Please send cheque or money orders to THE WEST VANCOUVER COMM UNITY ARTS COUNCIL THE SILK PURSE, 1570 ARGYLE AVENUE, WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., V7V 1A1 ARTS ACCESS SUMMER 1991