Arts Access; The Voice of the North Shore Arts Community., 1 Mar 1991, p. 6

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THEATRES THEATRE B.C. North Shore Zone 1991 Festival of Plays M a n y o f the Theatre groups that make up the North Shore's bustling theatre c o m m u nity w i l l be presenting their best i n a c o m petitive setting at Presentation House in North Vancouver. For one week a different group w i l l take the stage each evening and at the end o f each performance that show w i l l be discussed by a professional adjudicator who was appointed by Theatre B . C . T o encourage your participation, we have a special price for the whole week - M o n d a y to Saturday inclusive for $30.00. Individual plays are $9.00 each ($8.00 i f you have a Theatre B . C . Discount C a r d , and only $7.00 i f you "re a senior). W e also have a special $20.00 Three N i g h t Pass (one night must be M o n d a y and to run M o n d a y through Thursday only). 1991 Theatre B . C . North Shore Zone Festival Entries Adjudicator - Ian F e n w i c k M o n d a y , A p r i l 22 - Deep C o v e Stage "Journey's E n d " full length play Drama Tuesday, A p r i l 23 - First Impressions Theatre "A Taste of Honey" full length play C o m edy-Drama Wednesday, A p r i l 24 - North Vancouver C o m m u n i t y Players "Sister Mary Ignatious Explains it all For Y o u " and "The Actor's Nightmare" two one acts C o m e d y Thursday, A p r i l 25 - Theatre West V a n "The Cocktail Hour" full length play Drama Friday, A p r i l 26 - Whistler Players "Peace Is..." full length play D r a m a Saturday. A p r i l 27 - Impact Theatre "The Cagebirds" one act play D r a m a Light entertainment follows the one-act play, "The Cagebirds" while the adjudicator, makes his decisions o f the winners. The evening w i l l end with presentation of the awards. The w i n n i n g play w i l l go on to represent the North Shore at the provincial finals festival to be held in N e l s o n , June 2 - 8 . For tickets and reservations call 986-1351 Theatre B . C . N . S. Festival, A p r . 2 2 - 2 7 Curtain 8:00 p.m. nightly A t Presentation House, 3rd & Chesterfield, North V a n . BARD ON T H E BEACH THEATRE SOCIETY PRESENTS SHAKESPEARE July/August 1991 Summer Season The productions are presented in an openended tent, seating approximately 300 people, in spectacular V a n i e r Park overlooking English B a y , the C i t y and the mountains. It's affordable - only $8.00. Opening July 12th, "As You Like It" assembles a m i x e d cast of distinct individuals, insulates them temporarily in a pleasantly habitable woodland and allows them to devote themselves to the pursuit o f happiness. Opening July 27th. a brand new production of " A Midsummer Night's Dream." This magical play is about young lovers and dreams, and of the fairies w h o lived in an enchanted wood near Athens, in the days when Theseus came back a conqueror. F o r information and tickets call 325-5955 or Ticketmaster 280-3311 Place - V a n i e r Park adjacent to the Vancouver Planetarium T i m e - 8:00 p.m. M a i l i n g Address - Bard on the Beach, 4998 Dumfries St., Vancouver, B . C . V 5 p 2Z8 WEST VANCOUVER SKETCH CLUB W o u l d you like to be a member? W . V . S . C . is a non-profit organization of artists, both professional and non-professional. There are monthly meetings from September to June, with Professional Artist demo and lectures. There are 2 juried shows per year, plus studio time at K l e e W y c k . C o m e to a meeting the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at: St. Stephen's C h u r c h , 885 - 22nd Street in West Vancouver, or phone m e m bership at: 925-2523. G o o d opportunity for beginners to advance. The West V a n c o u v e r Sketch C l u b would like to announce their Spring E x h i b i t i o n . T h i s is a juried show. The paintings are all original, high quality works by local artists. Date: A p r i l 3 - 13, 1991 Place: North M a l l , Park R o y a l West V a n c o u v e r , B . C . WEST VANCOUVER L I T T L E THEATRE T H E C O C K T A I L HOUR West V a n c o u v e r Little Theatre w o u l d love to invite you to "The C o c k t a i l H o u r , " an insightful A . R . Gurney Jr. play about family relationships. T h i s dramatic comedy revolves around a playwright who returns home to get his father's blessing to produce his latest play. Conflict, however, rears its head when its discovered that the play is based on his own family. T h i s is the third A . R . Gurney Jr. play to be produced by W V L T in the past two years and we are sure it is destined to be as successful and well-received as the previ- ous two. Ever-popular North Shore director, M i c h a e l Fera, whose previous credits include "Clarence Darrow," Double Double" and " C o m e B a c k to the F i v e and Dime. J i m m y Dean, J i m m y D e a n , " w i l l be directing this wonderful play with his unforgettable flair. Y o u can see "The C o c k t a i l H o u r " at Presentation House, 333 Chesterfield, North V a n . , from M a y 1 - 11 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $10/adults and $8/students and seniors. G r o u p rates are available and Tuesday, M a y 7th is half price night (all seats $5). For more information call 926-9693. For reservations call 986-1351. Join us at "The C o c k t a i l H o u r " to see how this family comes to terms with its triumphs and shortcomings when its written down for all the world to see. \ l ( I s \( ( I ss U'kll M Aï IW 6