CULTURAL ART TOURS Bellingham Treasures A day in Bellingham! W e ' l l start at the Historic (1892) Whatcom Museum of History and Art to view a spectacular display (and contest) of craft artists from B . C . , Washington and Oregon. Stop for lunch downtown Bellingham, then on to Western Washington University's Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden for a guided tour. Wednesday, April 10, 1991 from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. $28. (includes entrance fee and transportation...lunch not included.) Chemainus Murals "History on the Streets" Visit the famous Chemainus murals in the "Little Town That D i d . " Ride a replica steam train with a knowledgeable tour guide. W e ' l l also visit the Nanaimo Art Gallery to view the "Cry of the L o o n " exhibit from the National archives in Ottawa. Wednesday, May 8 from 7:45 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. $42. Adults; $32. Seniors with G o l d Care Card (includes transportation, tours and lunch) Burnaby & Surrey Art Galleries So close and yet so far...We'll visit the Surrey Art Gallery for a guided tour of three exhibits. Then, after lunch, w e ' l l go to the Burnaby Art Gallery for another guided tour of two new exhibits. Wednesday, June 12from 9:30a.m.-4:30p.m. $22. (includes transportation, lunch not included) C R A F TP A I R f &KF£5T FOLKFEST CRAFT FAIR JUNE 22 - 29 EXCEPT SUNDAY 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Forty Craftpersons will again display their wares at the popular Folkfest Craft Fair at 14th and Lonsdale daily from June 22nd to June 29th, 1991. Co-ordinator Freida Peters w i l l be calling for submissions for jurying in A p r i l . Interested Craftspersons phone 988-6844 for applications. Craftpersons: - A new magazine called West Coast Craftlink is a wonderful publication of information, upcoming Craft Fairs and events targeted to Craftspeople. Their address is P . O . B o x 547, F o r t L a n g l e y , B . C . X o X 1 JO. Tel. 1-888-5402. HELD AT: 14TH & LONSDALE CITY COMPLEX SPONSORED BY THE NORTH VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL AND THE NORTH VANCOUVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NORTH SHORE SPRING JURYING The Arts Councils of North and West V a n couver are pleased to announce that the recent North Shore Spring Jurying, held at Klee Wyck resulted in the selection of the work of 10 artists to represent the North Shore. Squamish, Whistler and Bowen Island at the B . C . Festival. The Festival will take place in North Vancouver. May 22 - 26. The artists whose works were selected are: Peter Martin - "Elevated Book Shelf" wood work lan Fry - "Black Cat" - acrylic I.mis Blj ih - "Same Water" - mixed media Karen Cain - "Artifact II - The Clothes Line" - acrylicLewis Kryczkowski - " A " - clay XRIS UVI-SS M'KIl M A Y | w | Janet Bydwell - "White Caller, Blue C o l lar" - acrylic Gordon Finlay - "Establishing the Conceptual Future" - oil Sharon Christian - "Coons & Cattails" - oil, pastel, water colour James W . Felter - "Mraurs" - Canon laser print Dean Steeves - "The Recital" - pencil The works of the following artists were cited by the jurors: Liane Davison and Lynda Gammon, for Honorable mention Shirley Legate - " B o w l of Flowers" monotype Jean Morrison - "Rain Forest" - etching Lome W . Topham - "Tugs" - mixed media Margot Cuthbert - "In a Rose Garden" water colour R . B . A y l i n g - "Tugs" - oil Maureen L . Brown - "The Pareu Seller" oil Dorothy Poesiat - "Sea Spirit" - water colour Georgia Youngs - "Keep Cypress Green" acrylic A total of 34 pieces were selected for the Klee Wyck Show, which was open to the public March 5 - March 8. A reception was held on Friday evening with close to one hundred people in attendance to see the show and meet with the artists. We wish to thank W . V . Florist for their donation of beautiful spring flowers for the occasion. We also thank all the artists, who submitted their work for the jurying and the jurors, for taking the extra time to speak with each artist about their work entered for jurying. A big thank you goes to all the volunteers, who worked so hard to make the event a success and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Provincial Show, which will be held at the Memorial Arena at I 23 East 23rd in N . V . . May 22 - 26, 1 9 9 1 .