West Vancouver· Isolated In 1949 the only land access to West Vancouver was the Capilano Bridge. Highway 99 (the Upper Levels Highway) and its span over the river was still years away. The road to Squamish did not exist. To top it off, the proposed dam across the river to control its flow was just that, a proposal. Without the Capilano Bridge, West Vancouver was an island. The discontinued West Vancouver ferries were quickly brought in for foot passengers via conUnued from page 1 A 24 year old West Van resident, Gordon Fullerton, was swept to his death while sandbagging the eastern bank. An annual prestigious basketball award is still given by West Vancouver Secondary in his name. West Vancouver was marooned for ten days before engineers were able to close the gap. This event led politicians and public alike to demand a second crossing of the river. In 1951 the Cleveland Dam project began and was completed in 1954. The Capilano River was now controlled. The Upper Levels Highway with its bridge across the Capilano River was completed in 1958, giving West Vancouver a second access to North Vancouver and the world beyond. At first the highway ended in Horseshoe Bay. In 1959, it made itto Squamish. In 1966 Removing the ruined Bailey bridge north of the Capilano Bridge. Photo courtesy of the West Van Archives. 156.WVA.DEN. Note it reached Pemberton. Finally in the flow is being diverted back under the bridge. 1992, Highway 99 (the highway's official name) reached Lillouet and Dundarave and Ambleside. A World War II Bailey the interior of the province. bridge was quickly built north of the Capilano Bridge to span the now 138 foot gap. that too, West Vancouver now has only three main was soon washed away by the flooding river (my vehicular exits from the community. This small mother was in a bus on the Bailey Bridge number makes it not only easier to fight crime minutes before it was shut down). but also adds to grid lock. But that is another story. The Society Welcomes the Following New Members Helen Babalos Gwynn McLintock Roddy Mackenzie Reverend ka Hyun Mackenzie Shin page 3