Holiday Gifts from Five Villages In five north shore villages, North Vancouver, Edgemont, D e e p C o v e , C a p i l a n o , Lonsdale a n d Lynn Valley, artists a n d artisans h a v e b e e n sculpting, painting, sketching, moulding, c a r v i n g , h a m m e r i n g , stitching a n d w e a v i n g into the long night. As winter a p p r o a c h e s their skill, dexterity a n d vision will b e o n show at craft fairs a n d gift shops, in studios a n d galleries. Look out for h a n d m a d e gifts on sale in your village a n d buy from l o c a l artists a n d artisans this holiday season. The North Shore Winter Club 1325 East Keith Road November 3, 9:30am-3pm A d m i s s i o n / R a f f l e proceeds to go to the N o r t h Shore Christmas Bureau. St. Thomas Aquinas High School Art and Craft Fair 541 West Keith Road November 3 &4, 10am-4pm This year exhibits 88 crafters including local Azart Art and Printing (Adriana Zuniga); Tookies Tins(Albert Mussato) and Monteiro designs (Jane Monteiro). Lions Gate Hospital Foundation Christmas Fair 231 East 15th Street November 23, (Friday) 8:30am-4:30pm M a i n Lobby S u p p o r t a great cause w h i l e d o i n g y o u r C h r i s t m a s shopping. Delbrook Recreation Centre 600 West Queens Road November 17&18 December 1 & 2 , 10am-4pm both weekends St. Agnes Anglican Church 530 East 12th Street November 24, 10am-2pm North Lonsdale United Church 3380 Lonsdale Avenue November 17, \0am-2pm Candy Cane sale. Mickey McDougall Building 200 block, East 23rd Street November 24, 10am-4pm Waldorf School Fair 2725 St. Christopher Street November 24, \0am-3pm St Pius X Catholic Church 1150 M t . Seymour Road November 25, 10am-2pm Lynn Valley Seniors Association M o l l i e Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Road November 24, 10am-2pm Craft, Book and Bake Sale. St. Johns Anglican Church 220 West 8th Street December 1st. llam-3pm Sugar Plum Tea and Craft Fair. Parkgate Community Centre 3625 Banff Court December 8, 10am-4pm O P E N STUDIOS Binkley Sculpture Studios 535 East First Street, December 7, 5pm-9pm December 8&9, 11 am-5pm daily "The Studio Sale" C h i s Creations Woven Half Moon Lynmour Gallery #301-1467 Crown street Open Saturday /Sunday, 12-Spm and by appointment at 604-929-4001 Visitors to the gallery can see artists at work and up the stairwell see many works of art displayed and in a warren of rooms. Smaller art pieces ideal for gifts, will be on sale for under $100. Summer Handbags Lin Crane Karen Ireland Studio Sale November/December Karen welcomes calls about her glass and mosaic work. She uses "found objects" and transforms them with glass. H e r " c o m m u n i t y " art can be seen at John Braithwaice centre and Lookout Emergency A i d shelter. 604.980.3264 for viewing. Capilano College Textile Sale (Arbutus Building) 2055 Purcell Way Second Floor Studio Gallery Tuesday November 20, Noon-9pm Christmas Sale. Featuring the work of 20 emerging textile artists (current students and alumni). Beautiful handbags, silk screened clothing, original jewellery and framed work. CityScape Gallery 335 Lonsdale Avenue Discover the Third Annual Anonymous Art Show Opening night November 29, 7-9pm. The show continues until December IS, 2007. This sale features emerging and established artists of all ages and skill levels. Buy and take home a masterpiece on the night. Last year there were over 400 paintings to chose from, all for $100 each. Quilting 14 November|December