arts alive on N o r t h S h o r e ARTS november I december 2007 G e t g o i n g to live p e r f o r m a n c e s , all across the North Shore. For m o r e information a n d h o w to list events g o to: NOVEMBER Anniversary Contemporary comedy, by Carol Shields and Dave Williamson, makes serious observations about relationships as it assesses the lives of two couples. (HH) W a l k . . . Don't Walk To Nov 4 Acrylic paintings by Jams Blyth and mixed media works by Sharon Christian. (FBG) The Goat or, who is Sylvia? To Nov 10,Tues-Sat, 8pm Edward Albee's unsettling play about a man who risks his family and career by falling In love with a goat. Directed by Kathryn Shaw. Starring Jay Brazeau. Third Street Theatre Series. (PHT) Khatta Meetha To Nov 17 Artists Peter Kiss. Tania Gleave and Dennis Badgley explore and document Rajasthan, India through sculpture, mixed-media canvas and photography 2007 FANS Night Sun, Nov 4,7:30pm 13th annual gala fundraising event presented by the North Vancouver Office of Cultural Affairs in benefit of the Fund for the Arts on the North Shore (FANS). Hamersley House, 3 5 0 Second Street East, North Vancouver Tickets and information: 604.980.3559 or nsarts@telus. net, Landscapes Nov 6-25 Opening Reception: Nov 6,6-8pm Landscapes in various media by Lynne Greene, Peter Langer, Leslie McGuffln, and Barbara Wilson, (FBG) Disney's High School Musical Nov 6-17,7:30pm, Nov 11 & 18,2pm A smash hit musical about a group of high school students who decide to share their hidden talents. Uncle Randy Productions. (CT) Crackerjack 2007 Nov 9,7-1 Opm, Nov 10,11 am-6pm Opening Reception: Nov 9,7pm A sale of works by various local artists and crafters. Includes textiles, glass, prints, jewellery and much more. St. David's Church, 1525 Taylor Way, West Van Gallery of Fine Art Nov 10,10-5 The North Shore Artists' Guild annual sale includes more than 700 original works In oils, water colours, acrylics and pastels. Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver. Info: Wood and Whimsey Nov 13-Dec 9 Opening Reception: Nov 13,7-9pm Masks, bowls and other creations from wood burls by Qualicum master wood turner Jason Marlow and colourful images by Vancouver artist Sonja Kobrehel. (SAG) One of a Kind Nov 13-Dec19, Tues-Fri, 1 -6 (or by appt) Reception: Dec 6,7-9pm Exhibition and sale of works by local artists including paintings, mixed media, hand-painted furniture and jewellery. Graffiti Co. Art Studio Gallery, 171 East 1st Street Info 604.980.1699, Nunsense Nov 15-Dec 1,Wed-Sat, 8pm Hilarious comedy by Dan Goggin about a fundraiser to pay for the burial of nuns accidentally poisoned by the convent cook. Directed by Judi Price. Tickets: 604.929.9456 www. (DC) How the Other Half Loves Nov 15-Dec 8,8pm Alan Ayckbourn's remarkable farce about love and laughter, meals and mayhem in modern English society. Laughing Matters Theatre Company. (PHT) Midsummer Night's Dream Nov 1 5 - 1 7 , 2 2 - 2 4 , 8 p m ; Nov 20&21.12pm: Nov 18424.2pm William Shakespeare ever-popular comedy classic filled with mage and mischief. Directed by Des Price Exit 22 Productions (CC) Remakes, Variations (1741-2049) Nov16-Jan 13, (closed Dec 22-Jan 2) Twin bodies of work that replicate anoLre-imagine seminal moments in slapstick comedy and classical musiL w . from J , S. Bach to Peter Sellers. (PHG) (CS) Peak Performance: 100 Years of BC Mountaineering To April 6, 2008 Historic photographs, film, and mountaineering equipment recording the achievements and pioneering spirit of the BC Mountaineering Club. (NVMG) Alex Cuba Nov 2,8pm Alex Cuba, led by Alexis Puentes, represents the new wave of Cuban musicians moving outside the traditional confines of the classic Cuban sound, (CC) Alasdair Fraser/Natalle Haas Nov 3,8pm Master Scottish fiddler Alasdair Fraser and cellist Natalie Haas create an exciting weave of reeling rhythms, poignant m e l o d i e s and e x q u i s i t e musicianship. (CC)