I This Fall at Presentation House Theatre: Sex, Lies and Livestock 6jf SG his November and December, audiences at Presentation H o u s e T h e a t r e w i l l have a c h a n c e to see t w o very different plays dealing w i t h family, marriage and When Jay Brazeau, local actor known across Canada for his w o r k on stage and screen and mainstay of the Vancouver theatre scene, decided it was time to bring this play to our stages, he little expected to be turned away from the major Vancouver the theatres. N o t to be defeated, Brazeau, along w i t h a dynamic group k n o w n as the Angry Actors' Co-op, brought the play to M a n a g i n g Director Brenda Leadlay at Presentation House. C o u l d a N o r t h Vancouver theatre w h i c h has only recently reasonable? H o w far is too far? Lee T infidelity. Both should give us some things to think about over the long dark winter. E d w a r d Albee's 2002 Tony a w a r d w i n n i n g play, The Goat or Who is Sylvia? has played in every major A m e r i c a n and C a n a d i a n city. Every city that i s , except V a n c o u v e r . T h e c o n t r o v e r s i a l p l a y addresses l o v e , f a m i l y a n d p r e j u d i c e through the tragedy of one man's love - for a goat. That's right, the same p l a y w r i g h t w h o i n 1961 skewered the A m e r i c a n family with Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolff returned four decades later with another literate and darkly humourous criticism of modern morals. The story of a middle-aged professional whose life disintegrates because of his unconventional passion, The Goat asks us to question the social taboos of our apparently liberal age. C a n love be begun p r o d u c i n g a professional season take on this play" B r a z e a u says, " B r e n d a r e a l l y l i k e d the s c r i p t but had reservations as to whether her Board would approve. So we did a private reading and they loved it. A l t h o u g h they too believe it will be controversial, they think it will put P H T on the m a p ! " (cont'd) BC'S BIGGEST MUSICAL THEATRE SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN YearJ^ound Programs and Summer Camps Available (604)267.SCTS« (604)762.2491 * www. s t a g e c r a f t . c a ¡nfo@stagecraft.ca 10 November|December