1 7 TM a n n u a lh a r m o n ya r t sf e s t iv a l Lara Freimend "H arm ony"- as it is known to staff, locals and festival regulars energy and talented acts in John Lawson Park every evening of the festival. This year's eclectic series includes JUNO Award win ning band The Paperboys (August 3); the hot sounds and rhythm s of Locura (August 4); the big band sounds of "Dr. Swing" Dal Richards' Orchestra (August 5); the soaring vocals of Kim Kuzm a (Au gu st 6), the b eau tifu l young chanteuse Alita Dupray (August 7); the rootsy m usic of indie best seller Babe Gurr (August 8); the funk/soul/jazz m usic of Soulstream w ill once again transform the Am blesid e w aterfront into the North Sho re's prem ier destination fo r visual and performing arts fan s for the 17th year this sum m er. The 1 0-d ay event attracts approxim ately 6 5,000 visitors who take in everything from a sun set con cert in Joh n Law son P ark to w alking the ArtBeat in A m bleside Village, Harm ony creates a unique and m em orable experience for all (A u g u st 9); m u lti-a w a rd w in n in g p erfo rm er, s in g e r and songwriter Lisa Brokop, (August 10); the tight vocal harmonies and con tag io u s energy of The Breakm en (August 11); and to clo se the festival the incom parab le talent and incredible show m anship of Bobby B ru ce's Nearly Neil and The Solitary Band (August 12). those it touches. This year, w hile continuing to present top quality perform ing a rtists to the com m unity in free concerts on three stages, the festival gets back to its roots by renewing its fo cu s on visual arts. Festival g oers can look forw ard to an enhanced ArtB eat program in w hich artists are paired up with local merchants to create a window display that not only show s off the art but also draw s people into the stores. This w as how the festival originally started and it is a favourite of many because they can sim ply w alk down the street and feel as if they are in an art gallery. K ids w ill also find lots to keep them entertained. There are K in d e rT u n e s c o n c e rts fo r to d d le rs and p re sch o o le rs and Creative Kids Day w ill feature crafts and concerts by popular children's entertainers. Visual arts will be featured in a number of venues including the Ferry Building Gallery, Silk Purse Arts A no the r d e c isio n that w ill p le a se visu al arts su p p o rte rs is the com m ission of R oss Penhall to create this year's festival image. Penhall, a West Vancouver resident, is a locally popular and internationally recognized artist who has a long history of supporting the arts in his community through projects such as Artists for Kids and Arts Umbrella. "Having an original piece by Ross Penhall as our 200 7 image is sure to m ake our always popular festival t-shirts an especially hot commodity this year", says Richard Berg, now in his 5th year as Festival Producer. Centre, West Vancouver Mem orial Library and both Delany's Coffee House W est Vancouver locations (Dundarave and the Village at Park Royal). WHAT: Harmony Arts Festival WHEN: August 3 to 12 WHERE: West Vancouver TICKETS: Free INFO: (604) 925-7268 or visit www.harmonyarts.ca A s alw ays, aud iences can look forw ard to a variety of high- 22 July August