Arts Alive, 8 Jul 2007, p. 20

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| Cates Park Concert ^ Series and Deep Cove Daze Btj Andrea Winterhettem If you're looking for a place to spread your beach blanket, nibble on goodies from your p ic n ic b a sk e t and c la p along to the beat of groovy m usic, m ake su re to head over to C ate s Park in Deep Cove this summer. The popular Cates Park Concert Series is on again this year (Saturdays, 4 to 7 pm, Ju ly 7 to A ugust 18). But for a while, it looked like the annual Deep Cove festivities might not happen. T yler P e a rso n , A rtis tic D ire c to r of Musart Cultural Society that operates the C ate s P a rk C o n c e rt S e rie s and Deep Cove Daze expressed relief that whose requests were at first denied. " I sta rted the C a te s P a rk C oncert S e rie s in 1 9 9 7 b e c a u se I wanted a n ic e se ttin g to ex p o se o rig ina l m usic and I developed Musart during that sam e year and used it as the operating entity for Deep Cove Daze ever sin ce ." Before reaching popular su c ce ss, bands such as "Theory of Deadman" played during the concert series and Deep Cove Daze featured headlining acts such as "The Grapes of Wrath", Holly McNarland and John Mann of "Spirit of the West". E a ch year, the D C M (D eep Cove M u sic ) stu d io , w h ich is owned by P e a r s o n , p ro d u c e s a " C a te s for the C u re " com p ilatio n CD with one track from every artist who plays the series. All manufacturing and printing costs fo r the tw o -d isc package are fund ed by a sp o n so r and 100% of funds raised by se lling the C D 's by d o natio n go to ch arity . The Cates Park Concert Series CDs have raised th e se m u sica l ev e n ts in w h ich he has been involved with for the past 10 y e a rs w ill go ahead ag ain th is The Cates Park Concert Series and Deep Cove Daze raises awareness of the Deep Cove community and brings together the merchants, residents and visitors alike and attracts home grown and out of town musical talent to perform in front of our naturally beautiful backdrop of sea and mountains. year. During a phone interview, Tyler said that fed eral funding c u tb a ck s threatened to jeopardize these events b ut a fte r h a v in g been p re s s u re d by many o rg anizatio ns who rely on th is kin d of fin a n c ia l su p p o rt, the governm ent decided to allocate $11 million to 'not for profit' organizations m oney fo r the C a n ce r So ciety and The schedule o f performers is s till being determined. Log onto wm .m in early Ju ly to find out which solo performer or bands w ill be included in this year's line-up. One of the reasons for the delay in announcing the performers is the federal cutbacks to the Summer Career Placem ent Program (part of the federally funded student employment program). 604-984-ARTE 440 Hendry Ave. North Vancouver Discover Art History this fall Choose from a wide range of Western and Non-Western art history courses, including: Introduction to Pre-Colombian, African and Northwest Coast Art (AHIS 106) A n cie n t M ayan cities, N o rth w e st C oast Native rock p a in tin g s and A frican fetish ob jects are just som e o f th e sub jects d iscu ssed in th is course. Mondays, 8:30 am - 12:20 pm N orth Vancouver campus Art o f the Early Italian Renaissance (AHIS 220) Spend fo u r m o n th s stu d y in g th e pain tin g, sculptu re and architectu re o f th e early Renaissance. Mondays, 6 :3 0 - 10:30 pm N orth Vancouver campus A pply now for the University Transfer program. Classes start in September. A p p ly online: Be sure to drop by our Open House August 29 and 31, 2007 - 12:00 - 3:00 pm Online Registrationfor 2007/2008 now available! SUMMER SCHOOLS Junior (Ages 3 - 10): July 1 6 -2 0 Intermediate & Senior: August 2 0 -3 1 Maintenance classesfor Major Level Intensive Ballet students: Tuesdays & Thursdays July 17 - August 16, 10 am - 12 pm Capilano College, 2055 Purcell Way North Vancouver, BC V7J 3H5 C a p ila V I O I I d" * b o u tW G R E A T T E A C H IN G . G R EA T P R O G R A M S . G R EA T FU T U R E . 20 July | August