Arts Alive, 8 Jul 2007, p. 18

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Presentation House Gallery Goes To the Dogs To the D og s is an exhibitio n of h isto ric and con tem porary studies of anim al locom otion to John D ivola's recent series Dogs Chasing M y C ar in the Desert. There are many versions photographs of dogs which looks at the relationships between hum ans and c a n in e s and in clu d e s E adw eard M u yb rid g e's m otion s tu d ie s from the late 1 8 0 0 s , the fam o u s F re n ch pho to g rap her Ja cq u e s-H e n ri Lartig ue from the early 20th century, well-known contemporary photographers Elliott Erwitt and W illiam Wegman, and many others. of "man and his best friend" and collaborative exercises before the camera enacting a persona such as with William Wegman's ongoing series of photographs and videos of his Weimeraners in a variety of guises. Featured in this exhibition w ill be a tem porary dog portrait These classic im ages are augmented by historic photographs c u lle d from se v e ra l lo c a l a rc h iv e s as w ell as v e rn a c u la r dog p o rtra its re v e a lin g how th e se anim als have been an integral part studio operated by Shari Hatt. This award-w inning Canadian artist has photographed celebrity dogs owned by, for example, the Duke and D uchess of York and B ritish fashion designer A lexa n d er M cQ ueen . She w ill be av aila ble fo r dog portrait se s s io n s for the firs t w ee k of the exhibitio n. If you want Some of my best leading men have been horses and - Elizabeth Taylor dogs, (( of everyday life as well as a favourite sub ject of the cam era. To the Dogs re veals the dive rse w ays that dogs as dom estic pets and w ilder anim als are part of society - as com panions, helpers, labourers, even performers. your dog im m o rta lize d , c a ll 6 0 4 .9 8 6 .1 3 5 1 to set up an appointm ent. A series of Hatt's dog portraits, many of which are in major museum collections, will also be in the exhibition. JJ And don't m iss the film series Saturday, Ju ly 28, beginning at dusk. Dog m ovies w ill be screened outdoors at Presentation House. And of course, dogs are welcome! Many of the im ages reveal the physical strength and prowess of the canine species from Eadweard Muybridge's stop action 18 July August