Arts Alive, 8 Jul 2007, p. 11

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Fashion ^ Design ^-withaTwist North Vancouver artist Nathalie Trudelle feels b lessed these days. A fter exploring various art forms and career paths for several years, she has finally discovered that her passion is sewing on paper. No one is m ore surp rised than she is. "I never asked for it," she said. "It just picked me." A graduate of the art education program at the University of Sherbrooke, Trudelle also studied theatre production and fashion in Quebec and British Columbia. She applied this knowledge by working on costum es for several am ateur theatre groups. Then a volunteer position at Malaspina College cam e up and she learned on the job with professional costume designer Vivianne Frows. Trudelle taught school for years but her heart wasn't in it. Last year, she resigned from the scho o l board and se t out to e s ta b lish her own business, Artm osphere Creations. Utopia Gifts on Lonsdale was one of her first clients. Using Tyvex, a synthetic paper, she created a beautiful butterfly m otif fo r th e ir w indow display. She d isco vered that Tyvex w as also a great m ed iu m fo r s e w in g c o s tu m e s and , s in c e Ja n u a ry , th is h a s b e c o m e h e r fo c u s . Her c o s tu m e s in c o r p o r a te c la s s ic a l fe a tu re s fro m the R e n a is s a n c e and V ic to ria n eras, contemporary design ideas and a few amazing con cep ts her muse provides. The results are stunning. And by using zippers, Velcro, snaps and hooks, Trudelle has made them all totally wearable. One of her crea tio ns, O ctopus of Love, was included in Katherine So ucie 's o ne-of-a-kind wearable art fashion show at Capilano Mall in May. Trudelle has entered this sam e gown in New Zealand's WOW international wearable art contest and hopes to be heading down there this September. Throughout July, her work will be d isp layed at G ran v ille M a ll O ptical, 807 Granville Street. Recently Trudelle decided to take her art one m ore ste p and in tro d u ce som e colour. Her sister, M arie Claude, w ill paint the individual pieces before they are sewn together. Trudelle hopes to work with other painters as well in th is endeavour. "T h in g s ju st com e along if you're patient. My life feels effortless." T h is s u m m e r N a th a lie T ru d e lle w ill be teaching basic art cou rses for children and adults at C hristie House. WHO: N ath alie Trudelle CONTACT: w w w .artm o sp h ere. ca or 778.847.1601 or info® artm 2 0 0 7 /2 0 0 8 S c o a o h | C a p ila n o College P e rfo rm in g V A rt* Theatre f I k o n S p e a k e r * S e r i e s Alexander McCall Smith I C a p J a j y Se rie A Monica Freire · Mark O'Connor Hot Swing * David Braid (Vancouver East Cultural Centre) Michael Blake Sextet · Tribute to Duke Ellington ` Bill Charlap Trio · Steve Turre · Guitar Summit with Louis Stewart, Bill Coon and Oliver Gannon · Dee Daniels · Samarabalouf C a p F o l k * m ' R o o Fa S e r i e A Dervish · Helder Moutinho · Juan Martin (Kay Meek Centre) Strunz and Farah · David Francey Alex Cuba · Alastair Fraser/Natalie Haas · Guy Davis · Martyn Joseph Kelly Joe Phelps/Wailin' Jennys (Chan Centre) · Ruthie Foster · Harry Manx · Karan Casey · Black Umfolosi Alison Brown Quartet · Bill Bourne/ Eivor P^lsdbttir C a p T h e a t r e S e r ie A Arts Club on Tour: Cookin'at The Cookery, The Glass Menagerie, Hockey Mom, Hockey Dad Exit 22: The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Midsummer Night's Dream,The Skriker, Honk! A Musical Comedy C a p C l a A A i c a l / C l t o r a l Se rie A Celebration, Rhapsody in Blue, Messiah, Dreams of the Wanderer (w/Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra) Box Office: 6 0 4 - . 9 9 0 .7 8 1 0 Tickets on sale August 7 S u b s c r ip t io n p a c k a g e s a v a ila b le 690 CAP IL ANO CO LLE GE P ER FORM ING ARTS T HEATRE J OSS P U R C E L L WAY, N O R T H V A N C O U V E R / O S .7 bchJj Capilano y £ Capilano College M a y |J u n e