Ifana Bah - Editer The End &{f an Era On March 13, the City of North Vancouver and District of North Vancouver passed a bylaw dissolving the Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver and replacing It with a bi-municipal Office of Cultural Affairs. Jointly funded by the City and District of North Vancouver, the OCA, under the guidance of a single director yet to be hired, will be the new administrative body that oversees the delivery and funding of arts and cultural services in both municipalities, which the arts commission has handled since 1989, could mark a significant step In the evolution of North Vancouver's cultural development. This change should be seen as a progressive next step." Presentation House Theatre presents: There is no doubt that the arts commission has, as Counsellor Barbara Perrault has been quoted, "done a yeoman's job," but It is time for a new direction and a new vision. To the countless volunteers who have served on the Commission over the years, the community of North Vancouver should be grateful for the endless hours of personal time they put In, ensuring the growth and sustainabillty of a thriving arts community for the benefit of all. fili a n d and t h e a H e s o p fili E v i l Co-produced with Cahoots Theatre Projects, Toronto A neworldtheatre production May 23 - 27,2007 604.990.3474 phtheatre.org BBBfiftB ( j / - -- ^ Cahoots (0 Lori Phillips, Interim Director and longtime staff member of the commission views the change positively. "This action v i s i t o u r t o t e m s . . . Wal-mart Capuano M a l l capilanomall.com 935 Marine Drive, North Vancouver and over 80 shops and services including Sears and 2 M a y 11 u n e