Arts Alive, 1 Mar 2007, p. 2

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Kena Bciki - Editor Art Matten opening remarks s w i r l e d a r o u n d the latest ideological trendy p o p u l a r i t y of sustainability. It seems that A r t , once again is viewed as a frill, a luxury. It doesn't fit into the sustainability funding slot. Health care, Climate changes, Education - yes. And they are all vital concerns, they are important. But as we sit by my Father's side, on these last steps of his journey, it is the Art by his grandsons, and the violinist who came into his room and serenaded him, that sustain him and I grew up in a home where A r t Matters. M y parents aren't artists, by the strict d e f i n i t i o n , but in their subtle way art was infused into our daily lives - through b o o k s , paintings, music, gardening, and p h i l o s o p h i c a l c u l t u r a l dinner conversations. A r t was a fundamental presence. Yet, despite our n u r t u r i n g f a m i l y e n v i r o n m e n t , when I declared I wanted to be a writer and my sister spoke of being an artist, M o m and D a d shook their heads. " Y o u can't make a living like that." That was a long time ago. A n d they still shake their heads today, wondering how we both "make a living" by writing and creating works of art. But we do. We live doing what we love. A n d that is what this magazine is all about. It tells the stories of people who are pursuing their passion. Arts Alive opens doors - for people to meet and see artists and cultural events that they normally wouldn't. The magazine is for all artists, which includes those of you who experience and those of you who create. A t this year's 10th A n n u a l A r t s S y m p o s i u m one of the discussions that e v o l v e d f r o m M a x W y m a n ' s keynote // you have a story about how Art has affected your life, please send it to, or drop us a letter at 335 Lonsdale, North Vancouver, or leave a voice message at 604.984.9537. ^ enfiti v i s i t o u r t o t e m s . . . C a p i l a n o M a l l 935 Marine Drive, North Vancouver and over 80 shops and services including Sears and Wal-mart 2 M archIA prii