The North Shore Artists Guild celebrates 60th Anniversary 5 T I he G u i l d , f o r m e r l y k n o w n as the West I Vancouver Sketch C l u b was established in J . 1947 to "promote the appreciation of fine art and to encourage local talent". Today, it has some 170 members, all residents on the N o r t h Shore from Lions Bay to Deep Cove. T h e y ' r e k i c k i n g of a year of celebrations o n January 16th at a Reception at the Silk Purse Gallery from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m at their Winter Solstice A r t Show that w i l l run until January 28th. M e m b e r s are 2 - D a r t i s t s o f a l l ages a n d levels of experience that use a w i d e variety of styles and media. They meet once a month from September through to June w i t h a short meeting, refreshments, f o l l o w e d by a lecture or demonstration from noted artists. One or two day workshops are conducted by local and internationally accredited professional artists, and members are invited to develop their o w n personal web site on the Guild's website: w w w . There are several professionally juried shows a year and the opportunity to meet fellow artists and art lovers, to exchange ideas, and generally j o i n in to an atmosphere of f r i e n d s h i p a n d camaraderie. The driving force behind this G u i l d is President Larry Achtemichuk who is constantly presenting new ways of promoting the arts and encouraging artists to achieve. W a n t t o J o i n ? If you are interested in j o i n i n g the G u i l d , c o n t a c t W a n d a Doyle at 1 - 6 0 4 - 8 9 6 - 0 1 5 9 , e m a i l : w a n d a d @ t e l u s . n e t or P r e s i d e n t Larry A c h t e m i c h u k at 6 0 4 - 9 2 6 - 9 6 4 0 , e m a i l : EXPOSE YOURSELF TO T H E ARTS ! f R f i( o n ed a yo n l y ) that she does a fabulous job of "playing pretend". Although she has worked in film and television, Cavendish prefers the stage. To her, "it's as real as it gets." But the lifestyle has its downsides. There are many nights when she would prefer to have a simple dinner with her husband and then watch a bit of TV. For someone as busy as Cavendish, these opportunities are rare. Staying at her little bungalow in Qualicum Beach is another activity she enjoys during those precious breaks between plays. She'd also love to travel more, in Canada as well as internationally. In the meantime, Cavendish will continue with her busy and fulfilling career. She's never wished that she had taken a different path although she does admit that there are other things she would like to do as well. "But there's still time," she says. C avendish is delighted to be working in town this season. She will be appearing at the Stanley Theatre in David King's new play Up Island from January 25th through February 25th, a wonderful chance to see our N o r t h Shore star in action. A R T M A R K E T P L A C E T R A D E F AIR Saturday, february ], 2007, lpm to 4pm UNCOVER W H O ' S AND WHERE 4 Y o u C A N FIND IT JOHN B R A I T H W A I T E C O M M U N I T Y C E N T R E I45 West Isl Street, North Vancouver (one block |rom the Seabus) OR C A L L 604.980.355g I : U straight JanuaryjFebruary 7