RBC donation benefits Capilano College IDEA students A $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 d o n a t i o n by R B C F i n a n c i a l G r o u p to C a p i l a n o College w i l l help students in the C o l l e g e ' s I l l u s t r a t i o n / D e s i g n : E l e m e n t s and Applications (IDEA) program to showcase their talents through more gallery e x h i b i t i o n s and to develop necessary business skills. Dorothy Jantzen, dean of Fine and A p p l i e d Arts at C a p i l a n o College says "this generous funding w i l l allow our students the opportunity to engage in the kind of relevant hands-on experience that is essential for them to move their art careers forward." For the past four years, I D E A students have been creating a series of original paintings depicting scenes of British Columbia's West Coast. These images have been transferred to a calendar that is sold, along with the paintings, as an annual fundraising project for the program. Every aspect of the venture, called Westcoast Impressions, is handled by the students. Lett to right: Dorothy Jantzen, Capilano College dean of tine and applied arts: Brian Williams, RBC vice-president, commercial financial services, North Shore area; Candace Dennis, RBC senior account manager; and IDEA program instructor, Karin Jager. We put a lot into the new Honda Fit Featuring an innovative Magic Seat" design, the five-door Honda Fit hatchback delivers an unparalleled 21 cubic feet of storage volume along with stellar fuel economy and class-leading standard safety equipment. So you can be sure you'll get a lot out of it. Pacific m 816 Automall Dr North Vancouver Pacific H o n d a ;ing 604.984.0331 | Service 604.987.461 8 | Parti 604.987.1011 www.pacifichonda.ca www.arts-alive.ca January|February 5