Arts Alive, 1 Jan 2007, p. 3

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arts alive January | February 2007 Editor: Nona Beiks Design and Production Catherine MacDonald 604.241.4747 Arts Alive Magazine 335 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, V7M 2G3 Phone: 604.984.9537 / Fax: 604.980.3565 email: Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver Phone: 604.980.3559 e-mail: Contributing Writers: Alan Formanek, SG Lee, Joan Powell, Heather Kitching, Heather Sharpe, Peggy Stortz, Joyce Goodwin, and Wendy Morley Ad Representative: Siobhan Barker 604.417.2033 Advertising: 604.980.9537 Printing: Western Printers and Lithographers Editorial Deadline: Feb. 2 for the March/April 2007 issue. Calendar listings/ads, deadline Feb. 8 Cover Images: "Waves" by Betty Andres Arts Alive is published by the Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver The Arts and Culture Commission of North Art Matter* R B C D o n a t e s $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 to C a p C o l l e g e 5 16-17-18 Fetâimfo V a n c o u v e r International M o u n t a i n Film Festival by Alan Formanek 6-7 Cvmmunttff 10th Annual Art S y m p o s i u m by Wendy Morley N o r t h S h o r e Artists' Guild 6 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y by Wendy Morley Nicola Cavendish - O n S t a g e a n d Off by Peggy Stortz W l n t e r s o n g Festival by Heather s t w p e In the Gattenj Kleenex Mathmatlcs Touching H o m e - A S c u l p u r a l Exhibit Iran - T h e A r t of Culture The North Shore Photography Challenge Art Rental S h o w 8-9-10 b y joanPoweii P u t Y o u r E y e In Y o u r M o u t h 19 TV & Fltm S o a p b o x P r o d u c t i o n s by Heather Kitching 20-21-22-23 Muuc D e e p C o v e S t u d i o s by Peggy Stortz Vancouver (ACCNV) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for the whole North Shore community through The A r t s , (:'. \ . thriving both as an industry and as a Commission of North Vancouver Is jointly funded by the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver. It Is an arms-length body created to serve as an advisory board to municipal government dealing with local cultural issues and servicing the arts/cultural needs of the community. Please visit our website for more Info: \ ~ ~ ~ recreation. The Arts and Culture dlsCOVEry 2 0 0 7 : Sleep.,,perhaps to d r e a m Jan-Feb Calendar Artliti inffurMtttt 14-15 T h e S e s s i o n s by S G Lee 11-12-13 A d v e r t i s e in A r t s A l i v e Arts Alive Magazine has the best print ad sales rates in town! Foi the price ot one ad in many competitor magazines you can get six Arts Alive ads and have expostue loi an entire year In keeping with its mission to build aits awaieness, audiences, and suppoit. Aits Alive's distiiliution objective is to make this publication accessible not only to the North Shoie aits community, but to the community at laige - the maga/me is diopped oil at 130+ key locations on the North Slioie. at the Vancouvei Seauus Teiminal and al select downtown and gateway locations trioughoul Vancouvei Circulation: 7,000 Readership. 4 persons per issue = 28.000 Market: Patrons ol The Arts Plunger C o v e Studios by Joyce Goodwin India's Cultural A m b a s s a d o r W e a v e s Musical M a g i c o n the North Shore by Jennifer Nesselroad For A d R a t e s C a l l : 6 0 4 . 9 8 4 . 9 5 3 7 List y o u r N o r t h V a n c o u v e r e v e n t o n w w w . a r t s - a l i v e . c a January|February 3