W i n n i n g p h o t o s from the 2006 V I M F F Mountain Sport, Third Place Heinz Zak, HasseBrandler: Alex Huber Free Solo Bottom Left: Mountain Landscape, Third Place - Chantal Thorlakson, Mt. Robson and Backpacker Top - Colin Angus Left - Julie Wafaei Bottom Right: Mountain Landscape, Second Place - Jon Cornforth: East Pond Vent The first human-powered circumnavigation of the world which involved rowing, unsupported across two oceans and trekking, canoeing, skiing and cycling through 1 7 countries and three continents. and Australia. Kelly Cordes of Colorado epitomizes the ideal of the American dirt bag alpine climber. A l t h o u g h he insists he doesn't enjoy being c o l d , scared, and hungry, he continues chasing alpine climbing's Type II (fun only in retrospect) and Type III fun (not fun at all) in mountains around the world. He is also known for climbing possibly the longest rock climb in the world, the 2,500m high South East Ridge of the Great Trango Tower in the Karakoram. G e o f f Powter, a p s y c h i a t r i s t and c l i m b e r from Calgary, will be presenting a book reading and a slide show based upon his recently published Strange and Dangerous Dreams, a collection of essays on various fringe adventure characters and on the motivation behind their achievements. V I M F F film selection will be announced three weeks before the actual event on the festival website, www. vimff.org. WHAT: 10th Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival February 16-24 WHERE: Various venues in North Vancouver and Vancouver MORE INFO: Check out www.vimft org VIMFF is looking lor volunteers - please email info@vimff.org if you are interested. Husband By Oscar Wilde and Directed by Sue Astley A n l d e a l February 8 - 24,2007 £ Cltytv m PrvuutU b: presentation Previews $10 . %es<6ws 2-£r-1 604.990.3474 phtheatre.org "A 5 erf cet www.arts-alive.ca January|February