C o n n e l l y says: 'I explore identity, both as a theme and an ideal, investigating the way i n w h i c h a simple, commonplace material may represent aspects of culture and experience that are crucial to the formation of individual identity, reflecting on my own past as well as past generations.' Shawna M u h i c investigates the disconnection between u r b a n and r u r a l life t h r o u g h the unique medium of animal hides. H e r works include actual fur and processed hide as well as digital scans of the process of preparing a hide. Shawna's observations of the city after living the majority of her life on a family-run cattle ranch are incorporated into her w o r k , demonstrating how, in urban society, sterility easily replaces the tactile world. K e r r i R e i d explores the layered s y m b o l i s m of baskets, ' s e e m i n g l y p r a c t i c a l h o u s e h o l d items that have a h a n d m a d e q u a l i t y a n d yet are strangely i m p r a c t i c a l as a l l the leaning, unstable and u n r a v e l i n g w i c k e r items i n thrift stores and b a c k a l l e y s c a n attest t o . ' H e r sculptures contrast craft with high art by casting the 'women's trade' of meticulous weaving in classical artist's bronze so that what appears to be functional pieces are rendered unusable. Kerri Reid - Scateboard Cosy Jaqueline Connelly - Installation Wool as a Woman Jaqueline Connelly - Untitled TOUCHING - A Sculptural Exhibit HOME Jaqueline Connelly - Across Three Generations Touching Home is a challenging sculptural e x h i b i t t h a t i n v e s t i g a t e s the c h a n g i n g relationship between the structure and surface aesthetics of substances in the process of disintegration. By breaking d o w n materials and then repurposing them into l a b o r i o u s and process-based a r t w o r k s , the artists try to reconcile specific lifestyles that have been replaced by technology. Jacquelin Connelly uses wool gathered from unraveled clothing to investigate what shapes and i n f o r m s the lives of individuals. The wool denotes m u c h more than k n i t t i n g - it represents a tactile, female domesticity that has diminished as the technological age has grown and resulted in collisions of identity WHAT: Touching Home W H O : J a c q u e l i n Connelly, S h a w n a M u h i c a n d Kerri Reid W H E N : J a n u a r y 2 6 t h - February 2 4 t h , 2 0 0 7 , Opening R e c e p t i o n : Thursday, J a n u a r y 2 5 t h , 7 - 9 pm W H E R E : C i t y S c a p e C o m m u n i t y Art S p a c e , 3 3 5 L o n s d a l e (between 3 r d & 4th Avenues), North Vancouver IRAN: The Art of Culture Iran has one of the richest and oldest cultures in the world. For thousands of years, countless painters, weavers, potters, calligraphers, metalworkers, and stonemasons have produced sonic of the most beautiful works ever created, and contributed to the Iranian artistic heritage that is admired worldwide. 1 I K Seymour Art Gallery, in collaboration with the Ferry Building Gallery, The Silk Purse (.alien and the West Vancouver Memorial Library, presents a series of exhibitions in the new year, entitled Iran: The Art of a Culture showcasing North Shore artists whose work depicts Persian or Iranian culture. These local artists will exhibit their multi-cultural fabric art; 3D work and 2D work including paintings and photographs this February. WHAT: IRAN: The Art of a Culture . WHO: Local Artists W H E N : February 6 t h - M a r c h 4th, Opening R e c e p t i o n : Tuesday, February 6 t h , 7 - 9 pm W H E R E : Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove Cultural C e n t r e , 4 3 6 0 Gallant Avenue