arts alive November Editor: liona Beiks Design and Pagination: Catherine MacDonald 604.241.4747 Arts Alive Magazine 335 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, V7M 2G3 Phone: 604.984.9537 / Fax: 604.980.3565 email: Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver Phone: 604.980.3559 e-mail: Contributing Writers: Jennifer Nesselroad. SG Lee, Joan Powell, Heather Kitching, Shelley Harrison Rae and Peggy Stortz Ad Representative: Siobhan Barker 604.417.2033 Advertising: 604.980.9537 Printing: Western Printers and Lithographers Editorial Deadline: December 2 (or the JanuarylFebruary 2007 issue Cover Images: Gabe Daly - Abstract acrylic on paper. More info: Arts Alive is published by the Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver The Arts and Culture Commission of North | D e c e m e r 2006 4 5 T h e T h r e e M u s k e t e e r s by Mamie wiison Theatre Art Matten A r t i s t s for K i d s Trust's A m a z i n g Community Legacy by Joan Powell 16 Muucat Theatre P r e p a r e Ye...For G o d s p e l l ! 6-7 Community F A N S A w a r d Night G a l a Community District a n d City of N . V a n c o u v e r c o n s i d e r a ' N e w O f f i c e of Cultural Affairs' 17 In the Gattery Miroslav T i c h y by Helga Pasakaar S p a c e T i m e M e m o r y by Joan Poweii 8-9 In The Gattenj A Black a n d White World at Seymour Art Gallery The Anonymous Art Show at CityScape Gallery C l a i m i n g the D r e a m at Seymour Art Gallery 10 Hotiday- Gi/jti T h e A n n u a l North V a n c o u v e r Holiday Treasure Hunt by Joyce Goodwin 18-19 byjoanPoweii Vancouver (ACCNV) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for the whole North ^ ^ -- Shore community through The Arts, thriving both as an industry and as a recreation. The Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver is jointly tunded by the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver. It is an arms-length body created to serve as an advisory board to municipal government dealing with local cultural issues and servicing the arts/cultural needs of the community. Please visit our website lor more info: Muuc L a Z u p p a offers F l a m e n c o a n d m o r e by Peggy Stortz 20 Catendar Artiiti in our MMft Resin-a-ting Art by SG Lee 11-13 14 Advertise in Arts Alive Arts Alive Magazine has the best print ad sales rates in town! For the price ol one ad in many competitor magazines you can get six Arts Alive ads and have exposure for an entire year In keeping with its mission to build arts awareness, audiences, and support. Aits Alive s distribution objective is to make this publication accessible not only to the North Shore arts community, but to the community at large - the magazine is dropped ott at 130+ key locations on the North Shore, at the Vancouver Seabus Terminal and at select downtown and gateway locations throughout Vancouver Circulation: 7,000 Readership: 4 persons per issue · 28,000 Market: Patrons ol The Arts Muuc M u s i c a s Healer by Peggy stortz Literary ArtJ T h e A r t of B o o k s a n d Printing by Shelley Harrison Rae 22 Portrait G a b e Daly 15 For Ad Rates Call: 604.984.9537 List y o u r N o r t h V a n c o u v e r e v e n t o n w w w . a r t s - a l i v e . c a Arts Alive M a g a z i n e November|Decembi