100 Years from Now In 1907, could the citizens of North Vancouver have Imagined what their city would look like in 2007? Can we imagine it in another 100 years' time? As a part of the city's Centennial celebrations, local students took up that challenge in the Imagine Our Future City youth art contest. The black and white drawings reflected student's Ideas, values, imagination and creativity. The results depicted a spectrum of possibilities from Utopia to wasteland. Lori Phillips of the city's Public Art Department studied the almost 350 submissions. "I quickly realized this was more than just a drawing exercise," she observed. "After looking at the drawings I saw that we had a real snap shot of what's on the minds of our youth. Without question, the biggest issue for all age groups is global warming." Although several of the children expressed their worries and concerns, not only through their drawings but also in the space provided below each picture for the artist's statement, there were as many who saw a brighter future, one where peace prevails and innovative technologies work to restore the vitality of the planet. During May the pictures were exhibited at Capilano Mall where many people took the time to vote for their favourites. Judges representing youth, the arts, the municipality, the community and art education selected the top three pictures in the four age categories. Winners in each category were also chosen according to the popular vote. Awards were presented at the May 28th city council meeting in front of a full house of proud parents and family members. Winners are: Grades K-4 FIRST Rowyn Dickson SECOND Jack Chen THIRD Sam Hughes POPULAR Abby Taylor Grade 5-7 FIRST Andy Park, SECOND Manuela Cruz THIRD Arianna Smith POPULAR Alex Hamilton Grade 8-10 FIRST Eric Park SECOND C35 - Joanna Balois THIRD C24 - Amy Jung POPULAR C18 - Mana Kazemi Group 11-12 FIRST D31 SECOND D67 THIRD D15 POPULAR D50 btj Peggy Sterte Safe, like cotton balls covered in bubble wrap. « a art^s. dcu* h e l d rcoara **t W h d r SuMy A s w yw t hT r a n m r tC e n t r a CantmtaMril r . 7A M* IVTlt * wp», p f c a M U BNItow"* n " r f w l art*. a n d (htOIVpwsyaJunnKh cor**TM t n as m U 51« I t d f c o wh*tf»aw itaMd IhetpS^FtohmrjTeB&hrx! Wrnw»#rW(fc, - Kimberley Lodol - Henry Wang · Nicole Taylor - Kele Elliott As North Vancouver steps into its next 100 years, let's hope that our citizens will work together to create the city and world we want to see. There's no doubt that many of our children are already on this path. July | August Pacific LlUiliU