arts alive Editor: Nona Beiks Copy Editor: Leslie Ann Wootton Contributing Writers: Belinda Bruce, Brigit Connelly, Caitlin Fraser, Joyce Goodwin, Anne Marsh, Crystal Mutters, Jennifer Nesselroad, Andrea Noble, Shelley Harrison Rae, Peggy Stortz Design & Layout: Agent 5 Design / Blurb Media Arts Alive Magazine 335 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, V7M 2G3 phone: 604.984.9537 / fax: 604.980.3565 email: Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver phone: 604.980.3559 e-mail: Advertising Representative: Joy Cowie 604.980.9537 Printing: Ultratech Printing Ltd. Editorial Deadline: June 2 for July | August 2006 issue. Advertising & Calendar deadline: June 6 for the July | August 2006 issue. Story ideas and letters to the editor are welcome. Cover image: Pro Arte/Flight of the Blue Heron Arts Alive is published by the Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver CONTENTS 4 ARTISTS IN OUR MISTS Creative Spaces: G r e g g S i m p s o n ; E.M. B r o s s a r d by Belinda Bruce FESTIVALS North Shore Folk Fest by Joyce Goodwin 14 .i\\\\\\\\\\V 1 --' John Boune SPOTLIGHT New Director/Curator at Presentation House Gallery MUSIC North Shore Jazz Features a Soul Steeped in the Culture of 'The Big Easy" by Jennifer Nesselroad COLLABORATIONS Flight of the Blue Heron OUTDOOR GALLERIES Art in the Garden: a world of wonder by Belinda Bruce 16 17 SPOTLIGHT A Shakespeare Summer for Ian Butcher 7 DANCE Cinderella Comes to the Centennial Theatre by Peggy Stortz 18 IN THE GALLERY Gallery Beat: CityScape C o m m u n i t y Art S p a c e , S e y m o u r A r t G a l l e r y a n d Presentation House Gallery by Andrea Noble LITERARY ARTS Young Writer's Club Promotes Writing for Life 8 Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver (ACCNV) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for the whole North Shore community through the arts thriving both as an industry and as a recreation. The Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver is jointly funded by the City of North Vancouverand the District of North Vancouver, tt is an arms-length body created to serve as an advisory board to municipal government dealing with local cultural issues and servicing the arts/ cultural needs of the community. Please visit our website for more info: ^0 20 THEATRE Lock Up Your Daughters: a repeat performance 26 years later by Anne Marsh PORTRAIT Anne Marie Evers: The Affirmations Doctor by Shelley Harrison Rae 10 21 COMMUNITY Arts Alive on the North Shore: Get Going. Get Real. Get Hooked. by Crystal Mutters COMMUNITY Come to the Cabaret by Caitlin Fraser ADVERTISING RATES RATES outside be inside be inside fc full page 2/3 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page B/Card $1000 $700 $575 $650 $500 $400 $350 $200 $150 $125 DESIGN FEE full page 2/3 page 1 / 2 page 1 / 3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page B/Card $100 $75 $50 $40 $35 $35 $35 11 FESTIVALS Silk Road Comes to the Silk Purse by Brigit Connelly 22 HERITAGE Christie House Arts and Heritage Centre by Joyce Goodwin 12 CALENDAR Your Guide to the Arts on the North Shore and Beyond 23 MUSIC Voices of Angels - BC Boys Choir Takes You Home by Peggy Stortz List y o u r N o r t h V a n c o u v e r e v e n t o n May I June