< -- Joyce Goodwin Christie House Arts and Heritage Centre This prominent landmark, an impressive house w i t h a Queen Anne turret, was built i n 1 9 1 1 . It is listed as a primary heritage building on the District's heritage inventory. The interior details include a butler's pantry, fine w o o d paneling and decorative stain-glass w i n d o w s . The house was built by T h o m a s E . Christie, his brother Henry, and N o r m a n Day, all o f w h o m were employed by the Wallace shipyards. It was a speculative venture, but the house remained unoccupied until 1917 when the family of R D E M c M a h o n , a customs official, moved i n . In the 1920s it was the residence of a Dr. Salt. H e used the front study as his office. In 1947 D o n a l d and V i o l a Parker from C h a p l i n , Saskatchewan moved in with their children T o m and M a r i l y n . They wanted a house above the "fog line". In 1991 V i o l a sold it to the District, but lived there for a further ten years under a tenancy agreement. In 1947 Donald and Viola Parker from Chaplin, Saskatchewan moved in with their children Tom and Marilyn. They wanted a house above the "fog line" Christie H o u s e was purchased for long term municipal use and preservation. T h e N o r t h Vancouver Arts C o u n c i l proposed that it be used for an arts and heritage centre. T h e unique features of the main floor are ideal for a three dimensional gallery. In 2 0 0 0 funding came from the M i l l e n n i u m Fund to begin the conversion. T h e Arts C o u n c i l committed to raising $100,000 and agreed to programme and manage the centre for the M u n i c i p a l i t y . A long term building plan is currently being developed by G r a h a m C o l e m a n of Iredale group - architects w h o specialize in heritage projects like the C h r i s t C h u r c h cathedral in Vancouver. The completed plan w i l l be put to the Heritage A d v i s o r y C o m m i s s i o n for approval so that the conversion can continue in a phased manner. Outside the spectacular gardens are beautifully maintained by the U p p e r L o n s d a l e G a r d e n C l u b . Today, Christie House is committed to serving the cultural needs of the c o m m u n i t y and providing educational arts programming for residents of the N o r t h Shore. Currently there are painting and life d r a w i n g classes for adults and an extensive Fine Arts programme for children and youth. Sunny Sunday concerts take place on the back deck. Christie House Arts Classes with Kids 2005 22 May | June