I x ' A Repeat Performance - 26 Years Later Anne Marsh Lock Up Your Daughters M a n y years ago, 26 to be precise (back in 1980), N o r t h Vancouver C o m m u n i t y Players left their cozy little 76seat theatre in H e n d r y H a l l on 11th and Hendry to stage a 1730's musical play called Lock Up Your Daughters at Presentation House Theatre. The idea behind this "experiment" was to make the public more o f aware of the theatre g r o u p and at the same time help promote the newly established Presentation H o u s e Theatre. T h e experiment w o r k e d - people came, and it turned out to be one of the highlights of the theatre group's 50-year history. In M a y this year, the Players w i l l stage a revival of Lock Up Your Daughters at the same venue. Regrettably, original cast members such as Dennis M i t c h e l l , G l e n Greaves and R o b Santo, are no longer with us and M a r t i n M i l l e r c h i p of the N o r t h Shore N e w s is n o w too o l d to re-create Constant, the dashingly handsome male romantic lead. But most of the others should just about manage to climb into their Presentation House Theatre seats to enjoy and reminisce. N o r t h Van Players' member Dave M c i n t o s h , w h o played Justice Squeezum in the 1980 production, makes a return appearance, but this time, as the Director. Lock Up Your Daughters is based on a play by H e n r y Fielding, the originator of the T o m Jones character and set in licentious L o n d o n of the 1730's - it is full of deliciously ribald characters w h o poke fun at themselves and at the established milieu. W i t h a cast o f twenty, the show offers a perfect vehicle to demonstrate the strength o f community theatre - teamwork, togetherness and hard w o r k , where the only reward is the thrill of treading the boards and entertaining an audience. This musical r o m p , with lyrics by Lionel Bart and music byl.aurie Johnson, was a tremendous hit at the M e r m a i d Theatre in L o n d o n fourty years ago and it is still really rollicking good fun today. All photos from North Vancouver Community Players' May 1980 production of Lock Op Your Daughters Left: Jeanette Lewis and Dave Mcintosh Below: Martin Millerchip on the left. Barry Ouffus in the middle (he is reprising his role in this 2006 production) and Dennis Mitchell