Gallery Beat 3 Shows worth a visit to CityScape Community Art Space Changes features artists using fibre art techniques such as applique, machine and hand embroidery, computer manipulation and stamping among others. A n n Haessel, Barbara West and Vickie N e w i n g t o n are members of the Artist Collective " T h e Free Spirits," Calgary, Alberta w h o create w o r k s that explore the urban and natural environment. A r t Rental Show " a l c o d a " showcases over 200 pieces of original artwork, representing more than 80 artists. T h i s bi-annual e x h i b i t i o n revisits the A r t Rental collection, and allows members to rent pieces right off of the w a l l . Rental prices range from $8 - 35 per month. Eclectic Mix of Shows at Seymour Art Gallery T h e C a p i l a n o College Textiles G r a d E x h i b i t i o n takes place every three years at the Seymour A r t Gallery. Textiles and Crafts in general are having a wonderful new appreciation w i t h i n our culture both in the consumer w o r l d and art w o r l d . Technology is constantly changing and textiles have always been at the forefront of new technologies. Textile artists are constantly integrating traditional practices into contemporary practices, integrating, new materials w i t h ancient techniques, and visa versa, integrating new techniques with ancient materials. The Womens Pampering N i g h t at the Seymour A r t Gallery Spa is a special evening event for any w o m a n w h o w o u l d like to attend. O n this magical night, the gallery is transformed into a spa. The $35 ticket entitles y o u to one free glass of wine and your choice of at least t w o sessions from facials, reflexology, pedicures, manicures or chair massage. There w i l l be chocolates and other goodies as well as jewelry for sale, d o o r prizes and much more. T h e w o u l d make a great gift for Mother's Day. C l a i r Coutelle is an artist from Paris. She time between N o r t h Vancouver, V i c t o r i a She has a unique style o f p a i n t i n g on imagery is abstract, soft and evokes thoughts o f spends her and Paris. slate. H e r landscapes. T h e Abstractions exhibition takes a closer look at defining abstract art and the ways it can be expressed through different mediums and styles. T h i s show features art w h i c h departs from the representational f o r m , while depicting an organic or stylized essence. Whether minimal sculptures or abstract expressionist paintings, these w o r k s represent a broad sense of the term abstractions. Above: P a i n t i n g a v a i l a b l e as part o f A r t R e n t a l Show "al coda" Title: Sunset Santorini Artist: Nigel Henderson M e d i u m : Watercolour Size: 10" x 14" Price: $350.00 WHAT: Changes WHEN: April 2 1 -May 28. Opening Reception Thursday April 20 7 9 p m WHAT: Art Dental Show "al coda" WHEN: June 2 J u n e 18, Opening Reception Thursday lune Is! 7 9 p m WHAT: Abstractions WHEN: June 23-Juh/16, Opening Reception Thursday June 22nd 7 9pm WHERE: CityScape Community Art Space, 335 Lonsdale (between 3rd It 4ttt Avenues), North Vancouver May I June II