Arts Alive, 1 May 2006, p. 16

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"Gardens are the result of a collaboration between art and nature." - Penelope H o b h o u s e Art in the Garden: a world of wonder Belinda Bruce Spring has sprung and it's time for the annual A r t in the Garden Tour. This two-day, self-guided tour, created by the N o r t h Vancouver C o m m u n i t y Arts C o u n c i l , draws over 2 0 0 0 visitors and features a fertile m i x of gardeners, visual artists and musical performances on the last weekend of M a y . Stretching from Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay, this year's tour presents 15 gardens and a blooming cross-section of talent. Gardens range from traditional British to t r o p i cal to organic herb and flowers. This year features eight new gardeners. Highlights include: Lynn Bussey (315 East St. James): Lynn's incredible array of perennial plants w i l l take your breath away. Sally Sutherland (3201 C a p i l a n o Crescent): Literally hanging off the cliff of C a p i l a n o C a n y o n , this magnificently crafted, quintessential West Coast garden gives the impression of descending into the mist of the rainforest. L e n o r a and R i c h a r d Shier (6670 Madrona Crescent, West Van): Alpine expert Lenora Shier can give you the Latin names and history of every plant in their garden. Located on a rock, this miraculous work of art is over 40 years old and boasts 30-foot rhododendrons and forsythia. A must-see for passionate gardeners. Lawrence W y c k (175 East Windsor Road): Collector, world-traveller and Bonsai and tropical plant specialist Larry Wyck will show his exotic garden filled with banana and monkey trees. Featured will be the work of Richard de la Mare and Artie George, the tour's first display of First Nations artists. Not to be missed : returning gardener A u d r e y G i a s s e m i s ' garden, a grand display of plants and flowers with a creek running through it. In a d d i t i o n to painters, carvers, ceramic artists and sculptors, this year w i l l feature fabric painter Pamela C a r r o n , p r i n t m a k e r Jan C r a w f o r d and jewellery artist A n n e C a r s o n . M u s i c a l entertainment runs across various genres i n c l u d i n g bluegrass, classical, jazz, L a t i n and folk. Each garden hosts at least one visual artist and one musical performance per day. The c o m b i n a t i o n promises to be a m o v i n g experience, rain or shine. Experience the wonder for yourself. : Art in the Garden Tour WHEN: Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28 from noon to 5pm, both days. Admission is by donation. Suggested donation per garden: SI. Tour brochures and maps will be made available at select 'All gardening is landscape painting." - A l e x a n d e r Pope North Shore locations a few weeks s before beforethe thetour. tour, There will be a gate prize for tourparticipants-- participantsyou may enter to win at each garden. len. INFO: for maps and more info, contact ontact 4.988.6844. May | June