North Sh Come on a journey, imagine yourself in exotic places, hear the voices and rhythms of the people, in music, song and dance Joyce Goodwin tO The Fest now in its 3 2 year, is a free community celebration. Every year a colourful and diverse selection of quality ethno-cultural performances is showcased at this event. n d Come the North Shore Folk FeSt " T h i s year for the first time the Folk Fest committee, chaired by the Arts C o u n c i l adjudicated performances and a small honorarium w i l l be given to the w i n n e r s " says L i n d a Fiel Executive Director N o r t h Vancouver Arts C o u n c i l . Each performance is twenty minutes longand audiences have thechancetoseeandexperience the broadcultural tapestry that weavesourcommunities together. Past performances have included: the Kultura Filipino Performing Arts society (North Shore based, this group teaches Phillipine cultural dances toallages),theTatsumiJapanesedance society, the TusitalaPolynesianDance group, theGoldenSpurslinedancersandthe Vancouver Pars National Ballet. There have been butterfly dances, violin performances, traditional chants, drumming performances and much more. In conjunction with the Folk Fest there is a Craft Fair with handcrafted items which woodwork, jewellery, soap and textile arts. WHAT: North Shore Folk Fest. WHERE: Centennial Theatre 2300 Lonsdale Avenue. North Vancouver. WHEN: June 24 . Hours: th June 25 . Hours: 2- 4p.m. and 7:30-9:30pm th fH WHAT: North Shore Mini-Fest WHERE: Silver Harbour. 144-East 22TM Street. North Vancouver. WHEN: June 18 . Hours: l-3pm ,h WHAT: CRAFT FAIR. WHERE: CIVIC CENTRE PLAZA 14 and Lonsdale Avenue. ,h WHEN: June 2 2 - 2 5 . 10am.-5pm each day nd th CONTACT: Kimberly McErlean. Programme Coordinator North Vancouver Community Arts Council, 604.988.6844.